Thursday, June 10, 2021

Dipping a toe in the blogger water

Like Onekidsmom, I am a SparkPeople refugee.

I am waaaaaayyy less technologically proficient. But I have a decent set of end user skills.

But like so many displaced sparkpersons, the blogs were how I got to know people, find kindred spirits, and make friends I’ve never met.

“But all of my friends are virtual,” I wailed at the SparkPeople shut down announcement. Hey, can we search Blogger for the term “SparkPeople” and find each other that way?

I am learning. I don’t know how to navigate the google group or blogger well. Yet. As I establish a new daily routine, I plan to cast a wide net and what doesn’t work will be left dormant. I’ve collected a few emails - I’m unlikely to use that much, when emails are so much of my daily work life - joined the FB group, bookmarked OKM’s blog, and bookmarked some part of the maintainers & aspiring maintainers google group (like I said, I’m still learning navigation skills).

Well, fwiw, here’s my first attempt on another platform. Cheers! 🥂 


  1. I call “first comment!” 😁

    Added your blog to the list over here:


  2. Hope to follow your blog. Congrats on the great labs!

    1. Thank you! Now to figure out how to make the hip pain go away ...

  3. By the way, the Barb above is not me, but 1CRAZYDOG, I think... so now you've got other fans, too. And I've added your blog to my reading list. On your blogger profile you can build a reading list, which is how I'm collecting a few of the Spark refugee links, but I really do like your idea of searching Blogger for "Spark" or "SparkPeople" to find some that at least referenced it in their profiles or blogs!

    1. lol, I figured it out when I saw you were in the comments too...4 people stating their pride in me, no pressure...jk

  4. We will learn. (Harrowjet on Spark)

    1. Good to see you! Thank you for the sparkname as I get to know our new handles. Wow, that term takes me back...CB radios, was it?

  5. PHOENIX1949, another refugee

    When I see your ID, I smile at an old blog about saying hello to your food scale to the tune of Sounds of Silence plus recently getting a good laugh at the expense of your arm pits.

    1. Thank you! I was planning to just let my old blogs go...too much work to save them - the cost/benefit doesn’t make sense to me. If a company put them together at a price I could swing, I might do it. I got a book of some of my FB content so if my memory goes, my caregivers would have something to reference. I wonder where that

  6. So happy to find you here . . we soon-to-be-ex-S;arkies NEED your Wednesday Weigh-In blogs, at the very least!! Admiring your tech nimbleness, gotta be somewhat genetic: right? WATERMELLEN

    1. lol, I don't feel very nimble - see my second blog - just posted it and came over here to find your comment. Hug Henry for me! :)

  7. I’m not so tech savvy either, but I found you AND bookmarked you!! Success! :)

  8. Way to go! You just made my day. Hugs!

  9. Well done. Still learning how to navigate, too! But we can teach old dogs new tricks, eventually! LOL

  10. Wonderful I know the pleasure and pain of getting here :)


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