Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Wednesday Weigh-In

 There was no weigh in.

Yesterday's weight was 156.0.

I knew if I collected a weight after sleeping in for two hours, I would second guess the number no matter where it landed.

So ... maybe tomorrow. But I face the same problem - if I get up 2 hours late again, it's not relevant to the data points I collect at  4:00 am-ish  on workdays.


I'm on a vacation to nowhere!

I'm afraid I was a bit lippy at work - when people asked where I was going, I responded, "Anywhere but here!" Sure sign that your employee needs a break.

And it's been good so far.

No texts to tell me of any troubles at work.

And then I look at the calendar.

"How can this be a vacation when I have so many appointments?" I exclaim to no one in particular, although DH is here.

I got the car's oil changed this morning.

I walked with OKM, to avoid the hottest part of the day.

Tomorrow and Tuesday are physical therapy; Wednesday is an early celebration (shopping with) for DD's birthday.


So, like a close co-worker put it, just the luxury of doing what I want when I want.

I'm working to schedule an appointment for the ears; it will be 3 years in October, and they want to send them in (off to the shop?) before the warranty expires. Like car maintenance, I figure. Their 6-month 'oil change' appointments run $70, but when they cost the same as what we pay for a used car, they need to be maintained.

How did I get off on that tangent?

I guess that's what blogging is for. Just cleaning out the thoughts to make room for more.

(double posting)

...because one of the things that helps support me is spewing thoughts to the internet at least once a week. I am so grateful for my virtual friends who visit and comment. Thank you!


Sunday, June 20, 2021

Hard won miles

 Avalanche Level, 160 Miles, "It's all downhill from here! Congrats on your momentum. (clapping hands)"

It took me 20 days to get these last ten miles. After aggravating the hip - turns out I have a longer leg - recovery has been slow. I started physical therapy this week, and have stretching exercises to do three times a day. I'm fighting the exasperation of the tedium.

On the bright side, I just increased today's distance to a little over a mile, and although the hip is tired, it is not painful. Small victories.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Wednesday Weigh-In


Beef and poblano peppers are in the crock-pot.

Benji's laundry (bath towels) are folded and put away.

His lunch for daycare is packed.

I put another coat of polish on my toes because I'll wear sandals today.

Morning checklist: hair, makeup, jewelry, perfume. Eyes, ears, phone, coffee. Check!

I'd like to change out my purse, but I'm already 6 minutes past when I like to exit the house for work.

DH's workplace is open again. Since he has to drop Benji off, he's up and moving about. It's honestly quite distracting. Staggered schedules have their advantages!

The dehumidifier did not need emptying, but we're facing two days in triple digits. Ugh.

I have a bag packed for a walk after work.

And there's a work-group ice cream social fundraiser tonight.

One minute at a time.

Lots to do today, but I'm doing it.

Tapping into hyper-focus, and ... GO!

I love you. Have a good day.

Monday, June 14, 2021

The Old and The New

I started to attempt this 3rd new blog last night, but fortunately DH scurried me off to bed. It was late and he wanted to glue himself to a particular TV show. Worked for me - I needed the sleep!

I notice my phone won’t let me read blogs. And the google check in thread looks different on it, too. No “reply to author” arrow.  My brain is stretching and growing so much I swear I can physically feel it!

Meanwhile, at work, I made a hard copy mock-up of a reference document needed for next year. Old school. That just seemed the most efficient way to do it. Then I scanned it into a pdf to send to another location for further work, because, dontcha know, we live in a paperless work environment.

My attempt to track food on MFP withered. I’ll keep using SparkPeople trackers as long as they’re available.

Busy week ahead. Time to enjoy the comforts of home. TTYL!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Easy Does It

Saturday morning and the air is cooler; the people are fewer. I like it. I went to the store for some oat bran - my cholesterol was slightly elevated, doc wasn't worried, I like oat bran and I'm ready to change up the breakfast routine.

Speaking of routine, I woke at my usual time without the alarm. Ack. Ugh. The one day of the week I allow myself to sleep in as long as I want to (or can, I'm a natural morning person). I went ahead with my morning routine, because, well, it's good for me. That's how I designed it!

I did cut the bike ride a little shorter than I'd like because the hip was complaining. I tracked my food and exercise on SP because it's still available and I find it easier to use. MFP wasn't bad for food tracking ... but just how many sites/apps do I need in my life?  Seriously, I am casting a wide net and leaving all sorts of electronic-footprint clutter all over. Good thing I'm not one of Ocean's 8!

With the variety of devices I use, iPad, PC, droid ... my visual communication is limited to the tool I'm on. I wanted to add a winking face after Ocean's 8 but I'm not on an easy device to do that. So much letting go of the need for complete knowledge and perfection just to get a blog out! It reminds me of a recent lunch order I placed at work for a group of people ... I was abandoned (not on hold) on a phone call because the food worker could not figure out how to get individual names onto lunches for the delivery order. I had already determined that they might not be able to get the lunches to our site as soon as they were desired. After 5 minutes hanging there, and shouting into the phone in an attempt to get the human to return, I asked my coworker to call in and relayed the message that getting the food to us more promptly was way more important than getting individual names onto the lunches. The people who ordered would have to remember what they requested and sort it out from what was delivered.

So it is with the blog. Dumping out my thoughts, sharing whatever's going on to assist myself in living as well as I can, is far more important than figuring out what the background is going to look like. In fact, I hunted for about five minutes before finding the "+" button to add this second blog. Patience. Time and patience. I can do this.

Back in the day, when I was in therapy for a while, I wrote affirmation cards and read them each day. I wrote several, trying to counteract unhelpful thoughts when I 'heard' them. A couple that come to mind now: "I do not know everything." and "I do not need to know everything." And when it comes to putting these new blogs out there, those newer thoughts-the affirmations-certainly apply! And help me get over the hump of wanting to excel immediately at a new skill (using this new software/site/whatever it's called - see I don't even know what to call what I'm using/learning - lol). It won't be perfect. Neither am I.

But I am over the moon that some friends have found me, and so grateful we're able to keep in touch somehow. Long live our sparks! Now I want to quote OKM ... something about making this a good day, wherever you are on your journey. Just do it!

Hugs and Love,

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Dipping a toe in the blogger water

Like Onekidsmom, I am a SparkPeople refugee.

I am waaaaaayyy less technologically proficient. But I have a decent set of end user skills.

But like so many displaced sparkpersons, the blogs were how I got to know people, find kindred spirits, and make friends I’ve never met.

“But all of my friends are virtual,” I wailed at the SparkPeople shut down announcement. Hey, can we search Blogger for the term “SparkPeople” and find each other that way?

I am learning. I don’t know how to navigate the google group or blogger well. Yet. As I establish a new daily routine, I plan to cast a wide net and what doesn’t work will be left dormant. I’ve collected a few emails - I’m unlikely to use that much, when emails are so much of my daily work life - joined the FB group, bookmarked OKM’s blog, and bookmarked some part of the maintainers & aspiring maintainers google group (like I said, I’m still learning navigation skills).

Well, fwiw, here’s my first attempt on another platform. Cheers! 🥂 

Here Comes the Sun

I wash my hands and gaze at my painted nails, and I realize that I “feel” those 13 additional minutes of sunlight gained in January (in leng...