Monday, October 18, 2021

Going Slowly, Weighing In


Well, better than yesterday, but a long way to go.

I have work to do.

I've been pondering - why do I seem to be slowing down?  Is it aging? Is it the weight gain? Is it the natural going into the dormant season, winter, with less daylight and more sleep?

Is it the tender hip? Am I giving it too much say in what I do? Am I using it as an excuse to not do what I need to do?

More questions than answers. Such is life.

I've got allergy meds on board to have a comfortable morning. This is my worst time of year for seasonal allergies; in my 20s, I landed at my first ENT, wishing for them to "make it go away". With a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and a bottle of nasal spray steroids, I got through that season. My taste for carrots permanently changed.

Nowadays I head for the old standbys - Sudafed and chlortrimeton. I don't like being medicated 24/7 for something that makes me uncomfortable with a 20-minute attack here and there. I really miss another remedy from my 20s - dimetapp liquid gel antihistamine-only. I could take one of those and be good for 3 days. But alas, there is less profit in something that works (because I don't need to buy it again and again / so frequently), and I live in the US, which since the Reagan era has allowed health care to earn profits ... so the dimetapp liqui-gel anithistamine-only remedy disappeared from the OTC market.

"You don't want that," pundits say. "Antihistamines make you tired." 1. Yes, I did want that. 2. No, it did not make me tired.


And the 24-hour medicines proclaim I want 24-hour allergy relief. Actually, I only want 20 minute relief 2 or 3 times a day when my allergies are at their worst. But again, who listens to me?

And on the subject of listening to me - if I am completely honest about a problem, others come up with THEIR solution. On one civic survey I took, I let the powers that be know how important after school child care/supervision was to me. I thought I was saying, "please prioritize funding for this." What they heard was, "She values this enough, she'll pay for it herself and we can fund other things." The price of after school care shot up the next year, double or triple, and it was too much for my budget so I let the tween go unsupervised between school and when I got home from work. Emotionally it was tough. And, burned by that survey, I hesitate before participating in the public sphere again.


I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant, but there it is.

On to happier notes:

Today I am playing with magnetic false eyelashes since I'll be alone in the office. I could see myself wearing these every day if it's successful. 

I am less than a mile from my next 10-mile badge. So ... I may prioritize walking after work. The day looks to be pleasant enough.

Sending positive energy your way. Do your best to have a good day.

Love & Hugs


  1. I know what you mean about them taking away meds that actually worked. I had an over the counter very light heartburn med that was perfect. I only needed it every so often and it was without side effects. Well, we couldn't keep that around could we. Gone and in it's place another that causes aching feet as a side effect. Can you believe that? Yeah, not a fan of survey either, seems like they just hurt my heart.

    1. Lol at “we couldn’t keep that around could we” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  2. For myself personally, I am noticing a slowdown too. I think it’s a combination of things:
    - having to shut down the garden and bring plants inside (today’s high: 47; low: 34 πŸ₯Ά)
    - the sun is out later and goes away earlier
    - covid just isn’t going away; my initial burst of hope started in February when vaccines seemed like a possibility for everyday folks. Now, even with them we still have to be cautious because of variants and the fact that more than half of the people around here opted not to take advantage of vaccines
    - some medical stuff which is a bummer and potentially life threatening, and dealing with all the associated BS of keeping on top of Kafka-esque paperwork and referral situations because the offices are understaffed with people who aren’t motivated to solve problems

    I’m just plain tired 🀷‍♀️

    Your sister and I are doing this, if you feel like checking in with others...

    Hang in there. ❤️

    1. Thank you for the “covid isn’t going away” insight - I think you’ve hit on something there, and it’s a factor in my slow down as well. (hug)

  3. Allergies, any time of the year are the pits, fall allergies are the worst. Not only have the choices disappeared, thanks to the meth dealers, you now have to sign your life away to buy any OTC that works. A trip to the eye doctor in September resulted in an order for an antimicrobial spray to help with itching eyes. Still waiting on the order to be due to fulfillment and delivery delays. Sigh

    Have a great day. Enjoy the walk if that turns out to be your choice.

    1. Hope you get the eye spray sooner rather than later!
      It looks like DH may have dipped into the OTC and I’ll need to up the frequency with which I sign my life away for it πŸ€ͺπŸ˜‚❤️

  4. Yesterday I watched Crazy Rich Asians... and that's your fault. I also have got sucked into this book... hmmmm. Then for fun, I watched Donovan's Reef, remembering how much dad liked a number of things (such as this one, John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Caesar Romero, and Dorothy LaMour) that do not age well in the era of "Me, too". It's made me chew on the concept of entertainment media (including fairy tales) and socialization... but I have now got far afield!

    Hope you have a good day, and I look forward to the magnetic eyewear report, come Wednesday!

    1. The magnetic eyewear report may come earlier by blog πŸ˜€ - we’ll see how this remote day goes.
      Hope you enjoyed Crazy Rich Asians. The heroine is one of our favorite actors.
      TTYS πŸ₯°

  5. I know! The drugs that worked for me (chlortrimenton among them) can't get. Good luck to you. Hope the allergies lighten up.

    1. Chlortrimeton was the brand name. I asked the pharmacy for it, and the were able to give me “chlorpheniramine maleate” and said it was the same thing. As I look at the label, it says “Reliable1 Laboratories “. πŸ˜‚ lol and bless them!

  6. Maybe your body is healing and it'd making you not yourself . For a lot of years I have found the winter harder health wise than the spring and summer months . For example I feel more achy in the winter , which can make you tired . Take care .

    1. Hmmm. Sometimes I don’t notice pain (childhood training), and I think I unconsciously use food for comfort in response. I may try to increase my awareness of discomfort - thanks for the idea! All hail aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen πŸ˜€❤️

  7. I'm the same way with allergies this time of year. It's so pretty and cool outside, but it' also dry and that drives me crazy.

    1. That remind me - I need to do the saline nasal spray and drink water. Anything to help this seasonal shift! Thanks and hugs! ❤️

  8. Oooo, sounds like we need to have coffee together. Rant on! πŸ₯°πŸ’ΈπŸ˜­πŸ˜‘

  9. Sudafed is my go-to. Quick and short acting is all I need.
    As to the weight, I feel ya!

  10. Year-round allergy sufferer here & unable to take allergy meds due to a heart condition that gets aggravated by them. Fall ragweed followed by cedar have me wishing I had Kleenex stock from now through mid-February.

    Unfamiliar with magnetic false eyelashes so I'm off to visit my friend 'Google.'

  11. Playing with the eyelashes people will think your winking at them . LOL .


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