Sunday, August 29, 2021

They may be kidding, but I’m not

We are shocked that you made it this far. Just kidding.“

The next ten mile badge - it took nearly 3 weeks to get it:

Routines are changing, and I’m pretty darn impressed that I got to 200, and daylight is it may continue to be slow going. I’ll keep chipping away at it!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Wednesday Weigh In


It's raining. Not a lot; more of a thunderstorm. The heat and humidity are awful; heat advisories both today and tomorrow. I am not getting outside much.

Today I am grateful for a sister to walk with.

Today I am grateful for Jeffrey Marsh.

Today I am sad and disappointed that the new 'more delicious' Coke Zero isn't, at least to my taste. We regularly purchased Coke Zero because it tasted like Coke Classic; no more. And I perceive a bitter aftertaste to whatever they've done. Ugh.  I know, I know, maybe give up soda entirely. Not likely. I don't consume a lot of it; I don't seem to suffer ill or life-quality-impairing effects; and if I'm drinking a zero-calorie soda it's often better than an indulgent food binge. So that's my current conclusion in my experiment of one.

I tracked on Cronometer for breakfast and lunch yesterday, then went off the rails last night with cookies and chips and a candy bar. Exhausted from work, I stopped at the store to get chewy Tums and razors (yes, I'm going to end up shaving the legs) - which I got - but the songs playing were "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" and "The Locomotion", and I was dancing in the aisles, so happy to not be at work. I discovered while Sparkpeopling that I am a BIG celebratory eater, and I guess last night I just rolled with it.

Today I need to prioritize hydration, as many online friends have pointed out. Thank you! As my wise DH says, "Sometimes the things that go without saying are the ones that most need to be said."

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

It’s a Good Day to Have a Good Day

 My bedtime is 9. At 9:13 last night, I startled fully awake. I’d forgotten the delivery at the front desk.

See, work is intense right now. My new coworker needs support. My organization pulls me away to meetings, and they are left alone to manage.

Yesterday, more things to do came in than went out. Sigh.

So today, we try again. The list is long, but we prioritize as best we can.

Saturday, the work stress led me to run 4 blocks out of my walk. It felt good.
Sunday morning, my right knee wasn’t sure it could support me when I got out of bed.
Monday morning, I had a short shooting pain in my right thigh.
I blame the running.
But oh, it’s so good for stress relief.
And basically my instructions from the PT were not to do anything that makes me hurt.
Today, I got out of bed successfully. Time to try some more jogging?!? 😀

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Orange hair and purple glasses


Good morning!
I love my new glasses. I went a little wild and dyed my hair. It takes some age off, I think (good for the ageist work force), but if I’m honest with myself, I think I like the natural color including grays better. Well, too late now!
Part of being human, trial and error, the experiment of one.

 I’m taking frozen meals for lunch this week, but I think it’s last night’s pizza that helped the weight bump along. And...not tracking. I really need to do that - it works. I have terrible food amnesia. Last night I almost ate when I felt hungry and forgot for a moment that I had placed a pizza order. Sigh.

My hip is feeling better, but I’m left fearing that anything I do will aggravate it and make it hurt again. Up to and including the stationary bike! Still, I am pleased at the increased tolerance I’m seeing there. Longer bike rides. I’ve fallen into my old difficulties of getting strength training in ... and I need it now more than ever. Wonder if I can find an incentive system to get me on track again. I almost feel like I have too many options, too many choices, and I can’t decide, much less act.

This week I’ve been working on “the things that you dislike about other people are things you dislike in yourself”. Can you believe I have a coworker whose insistence on placing herself first aggravates me? That’s actually a healthy behavior! Good grief.

Well, off to the trenches. Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Wednesday Weigh-In


It was hard to leave work yesterday; not everything was done. Even things I hadn't thought of weren't done - like clean out the coffee pot!  The employee who used to do that has moved to another position and location. So I guess I'll check it when I get in ...

I feel very boring this morning. I used to answer acquaintances' "how are you" with "still married to the same man, still live in the same place, still work at the same job". That actually takes a lot of skill and effort to accomplish, but on the exterior looks mighty darn boring.

My excitement this week has been in the entertainment of The Bite. I like it more than DH - he's watched 3 episodes, I've watched all 6 twice through. Still, we pull funny lines from it and use it in our everyday life.

"Sauna" is the word of the week. The weather has been hot and humid. I've declined walking the past two evenings. I intended to yesterday, but when the dog wouldn't even go, you know it's oppressive. And 'sauna' also for the free facial of continuous mask-wearing at work. I find it almost easier to just leave the thing on my face, although I've heard we're permitted to remove it when others aren't around.

Think I'll try to find an image to close with.  Have a good day!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Good walk this morning

 The next badge says:

 Get’n it done! Your body is a machine switched to “On”.

I am only ten miles behind where I’d like to be.  Today I feel optimistic about completing the 300. Other days I’ll be despondent: “But I’m x number of miles behind!”

Weekend chores to do, so I can’t stay on here long. I found 4ahealthybmi’s blog and was flattered/delighted:

The caterpillar looked dry and limp the second day, so I consulted with OWJ. Molting? The following day its healthy self was at the base of our yellow-aphid-covered milkweed. We need some ladybugs! I haven’t seen the caterpillar since, but I’ve got the joy of memories, and who knows? Maybe I’ll get to see some other facet of this bit of nature before it’s all over.

Friday was my last physical therapy session for the hip. It has improved. Yesterday it talked, and I listened, so I got 1.2 miles of walking instead of 1.6. But today the 1.6 went well. I think it helps that rain overnight blunted the heat. 70 degrees Fahrenheit when I went.

Well, off to those chores. Have a great day! ❤️

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

It's Wednesday during busy season!

 I have no idea what I weighed. The scale recorded it.

Yesterday, eldest sis dropped off some iris bulbs and I dutifully got them planted asap. In the process, I discovered this:

Words cannot express my delight!  I think it might be a monarch butterfly caterpillar.
Part of my delight has to do with a family story - after DH had pulled weeds a few years back, I expressed disappointment: "You took out the milkweed!" He was confused, and concerned about my feelings. "But WEED is in the name!" he replied. Then I explained that milkweed is the food for monarchs, so I had been leaving it with hope in my heart.
And indeed, it did come to pass that another year, a solo monarch danced with our one milkweed. I went into the house to get the phone to take a picture; it had left. It returned. I went into the house to get the camera again; again it had departed. It returned again, but I just enjoyed it at that point.
Caterpillars don't move as quickly, so I was able to get this shot yesterday.
I'm so excited about it that I may be late to work :)   Have a great day, all!

Here Comes the Sun

I wash my hands and gaze at my painted nails, and I realize that I “feel” those 13 additional minutes of sunlight gained in January (in leng...