Sunday, February 13, 2022

Good Sunday Morning

 Hello, everyone.

The weekend is lovely (I am using my denial skills to forget about work). SPINNINGJ brought me a delightful butterfly puzzle yesterday - 1000 pieces with a repeating pattern - so if I ever finish the penguins, I'll have that stay-at-home activity to keep me occupied. And dear niece also sent a second two-sided one, so I am set for jigsaw puzzling for now!

Yesterday DD and SIL were over as usual. I baked brownies for SIL, since his birthday was the day before. It warmed my heart to see the delight on his face when I insisted he finish off the last of them. It also made clean-up this morning easier, with no leftovers to put away and just the dish to wash. The young people made quick work of those 😀

As things get busier - daylight, springlike temperatures - I found myself grateful for blogs this morning. I can catch up when I am not as busy, but the writer might be. Let's go backwards today:

2-13 blogs

2-12 horchata

2-11 rain, people who feed me, the bombas box footrest OKM gave me to use at work while I cover another desk during a maternity leave

2-10 bras, adding machines, fancy coffees, senses of humor, custodians

2-9 Suze Orman

2-8 Encanto. Brushes - hairbrushes and toothbrushes. My body.

2-7 The diversity in my workplace.

On the subject of gratitude for my body, I thought OneKidsMom wrote a lovely tribute in her blog the other day:

"Time to remind us all that we have ONE amazing body, issued to us at birth (or before, depending on when you start counting)... and its up to first our parents and then to ourselves, to take the best care of it we can, while it does amazing things for us.  Like keeping us going, alive!  It converts food to energy.  It heals wounds and injuries.  It resists illness and infections.  It does all these things as long as it can, and it's our job to do the best we can to provide it with high quality input:  clean water, fresh nutritious food, activity for body and brain.  It's easy to take our body for granted or to criticize it for not looking a certain way... but my goodness, what a functioning vehicle for life!" 

Thanks for putting that into words, sis.

If you haven't read or don't follow, the complete blog should be here:

 off to the rest of the weekend ... may you have a good one as well 💝

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Gratitude catch-up

 1-29 Family Movie Nights

1-30 DH brewed coffee with caffeine

1-31 hairpins and scrunchies 

2-1 my sinus is draining (beats it backing up!)

2-2 dreams that help me work out emotions; pretty smelling hand soap

2-3 I filled my tires with air BEFORE the cold snap; the blue of the early morning sky

2-4 the process of elimination 

2-5 OKM helped me get to Mexico when I was young (15); my late sister-in-law helped me get to know my brother by asking me to babysit my niece every week

2-6 Today I am grateful that I am not a nurse. I knew I was never cut out for it, and I just watched a TV piece about the situation nurses are in now. 🙏🙏🙏 I am so grateful for the nursing care I received when I had DD. Thank you nurses everywhere.

Here Comes the Sun

I wash my hands and gaze at my painted nails, and I realize that I “feel” those 13 additional minutes of sunlight gained in January (in leng...