Monday, January 17, 2022


Well, today I'm trying Instacart. They're supposed to deliver in about 2 hours. I have heard this service is capable of being misused (driver absconds with the groceries, no recourse), but I can handle that misfire if it happens. We are friends with a couple that lives less than a mile away, and they have had success, so with illness surging all around, I decided to give it a try.

Last night DH second-guessed his decision to retire. I had anxious feelings ebbing and flowing for the rest of the evening. One of the spark placards helped me through it:

Gratitude catch-up report:

1-12 collard greens and community efforts

1-13 losing weight I do not need

1-14 self-acceptance (I was feeling 'extra' 😀) and a kind, friendly co-worker

1-15 Whoz Ya People (children's book with contemporary Native characters)

1-16 I don't have young children during this pandemic

1-17 TikTok and Instacart. Weightgrapher. The internet.

Although today is a day off my work-for-pay job, I feel like I've been working since I got up. And on the computer so much! I never intended to 'live' on these machines like this. I tried to push back, but was bowled over by the tsunami wave of computerization of our world. When I'm done with the computing, I'm going to my jigsaw puzzle IRL and back to the familiar screen of TV after that.

The next internet chore is donations. In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I'll contribute to a quality organization that pursues justice. In honor of Tu B'Shevat, the birthday of the trees, I'll send something to the Arbor Day Foundation. And In honor of Betty White's 100th birthday, I'll donate to our local animal shelter service - where we got Benji 💓💓💓

Have a good day everyone! Hugs and love, Ace


  1. Great list of gratitude. I know what you mean about trying to get off this thing without staying for hours and hours. I have to really focus on that and not get caught up in stuff.

  2. Hey, you were still on this thing just a few minutes ago... but not your fault... Instant Messaging has replaced phone calls for a lot of our family. And I'm grateful, 'cause when we all talk at once, we can still go read what everyone said!

    Hugs, and hope InstaCart works OK for you. I liked the "free" delivery for the month they offered it to seniors in 2020... curbside pick up has worked for me well, too. When there are surges, we adapt!


  3. Good luck w/Instacart. Have no experience with it, though.

    Ah I remember the stresses of DH making the determination that it was time to retire. But I let him take his time and he made the right choice. He retired but does consulting, so it is just the right amt of busy-ness to keep him out of trouble.

    Definitely grateful not to have young kids in this pandemic. However, did learn that DD is expecting in September. So, the circle of life renews.


  4. Hope it all works out for you! Especially with DH and contemplating retirement.

    1. He can't get out of it now. Looks to me like his income will be halved - IF he gets the paperwork done to claim the benefits! *facepalm*

  5. Retirement is tricky. You need to think of what your retirement 'job' is going to be. Mine is, of course, being a bit of a caregiver for the man. Exercise is my next retirement job. I do it very well.
    His idea of a retirement job is to sit on the couch all day and change channels. He does that very well.

    1. I have a feeling my DH's retirement will look much like your DH's. That is, if we survive the transition! ;)

  6. Retirement is a major life decision. Good luck to you and DH.

    Your gratitude list is impressive. So many things we take for granted and never give thanks.

    Have a wonderful day!

  7. Great list. Retirement decisions are so much trickier these days compared to when our parents retired (we are 72 and spouse still working as mainframe programmer for state agency).

  8. How did you like Instacart?

    They handle the curbside orders at my favorite grocery store and I feel like the pickers are getting tired (and I don’t blame them).

    Also wondering how the retirement thing is going.

    I earned more Garmin badges lately, which is fun 🙂

    1. Woo Hoo for the badges! Great job!
      See comment above for retirement update. (arg, aack)
      The Instacart worked well - but it doesn't save me time, which is what I'm hoping for with grocery delivery. I tried HyVee aisles on line at the beginning of the pandemic. Both take almost as much time as doing it myself, so I'm kind of neutral and may not use them again. But I do recognize the benefit of having someone else transport gallons of water to the house (pipes replaced, re-testing the tap at the end of February).


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