Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wednesday Weigh-In


The scale is too old to sync to our new internet connection. The company even says that software won't be updated on these 'older' models. Grrr.

A change is as good as a rest, says Lynda's mom. Well, I am forced into change. I can still stand on the scale and get a number; but I have no way to check the battery level or review a record so neatly compiled by the software for me.

So I deleted the software. And the worry over the recordkeeping. That was a weight off! I record-keep all day; sometimes too much is just too much. I also started to eat 'no sugar' again. Sometimes anger can be a good motivator. Mad at the scale? I'll show it! I don't need its stupid self to lose weight!

I released a LOT of water the first couple of days. My theory is that sugar retains more water than salt. And, lo and behold, my blood pressure decreased. Hmmm.

This morning I felt like the wind had been taken out of my sails. Oh, yes, we are past the peak of the full moon; and sometimes I feel like I can 'feel' when it's over. Do any of you "feel" the moon?

DD's partner's mom's funeral has been set for Monday. We'll travel up this weekend and back on Tuesday. I am so grateful to DD's coworkers who covered in her absence these last two days. Her young man needed her there. The go fund me has been doing well, although I think they underestimated the costs of the end of life in the U.S. I can immediately think of 3 people who could not afford a cemetery plot and were cremated. It still cost their survivors in the thousands of dollars.

Sorry if this blog is too much of a downer. Thanks for letting me get it out of my system!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Next badge and crushing news


240 out of 300 miles. 
“Nice work getting to 240 miles. You’ve got real moxie! 💪”

DD got word Saturday evening that her (serious) boyfriend’s mother died. This young man rushed to another state, and is currently working to make final arrangements. We tentatively plan to travel there this coming weekend. My heart breaks for this young couple. And for DD, that makes four close friends who have lost their mothers in the last two to three years. It’s hard.

Today I am thankful that an old commercial popped into my head and brought a smile to my face. “Time to make the donuts.” Have a good day everyone. It will be a full moon here, so we need to be gentle with ourselves and others. Be kind. Pace yourselves. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Wednesday Weigh-In & 230 mile badge


‘Bully! We are dee-lighted that you have made it to mile 230.’ Well, I’m delighted to have made it, too.

‘“It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.”’

I suppose I could debate that - there’s always dumb luck - but I’ve definitely been resolute (aka stubborn) in pursuing the 300 mile goal, and I can count on the hip for a bit of painful effort. This morning I did 2 of my 4 PT stretches (3 reps each); I shall acknowledge that / give myself credit. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Friday, September 3, 2021

Beginning Well and Serenely

 33 years ago...DH and I married. No removing the garter with teeth for me - too vulgar and private! But he can remove it with his hands ... and return it to the owner. It was both something borrowed and something blue.

DH did not want cake smashed in his face. He didn’t believe how passionate I was that that would not happen. The symbolism for me is about nurturing and caring for one another, so yes, I insisted we would feed each other bites of cake. He was still hesitant, but obliged.

How quickly the years fly by! Hug your loved ones and savor every moment with them. Life is precious, and good.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Value of Food Tracking

 It’s easier to type on the laptop, but the picture I want to share is here. Pictures also make my display go wonky, so it will have to wait until the end.

I decided to track today.  I made the decision more than once; first, when I tracked my coffee creamer before work. Then, after I was done eating for the day.

Oh, yeah, I had that breakfast. I had forgotten. Oh, yeah, I hit the vending machine. More forgotten food. Relatively healthy foods for lunch. I didn’t want my banana. I didn’t want my greens. A challenging but successful day at work. Consciously choosing Doritos and ice cream for dinner. I knew I would be over any calorie allowance.

It’s good to raise my food consciousness as I work through busy days and don’t give much thought to consumption. Today, I am not paying attention to the carb-fat-protein ratio. I’m a rather detached observer noting my unconscious consumption, and consumption likely designed to stuff down thoughts and feelings that get in the way of being valued by my work place. Don’t get me wrong - I love my job - but the honesty I love is a two-edged sword. Today I used it well with a coworker: “It’s probably better for me to be at the desk at that time, since I’m better at saying no.” We both knew it was true. And the public complied well when I set the parameter: “We don’t start until the others leave.” I gave a rational, not arbitrary, reason. People are a lot better than they are portrayed....anywhere. We need to choose our heroes carefully. That’s why I have a Yovanovitch shirt. She did her job. She told the truth. She was brave. Omg, I googled to make sure I spelled her name right and learned there’s a book! But boy have I digressed.

Here’s the disastrous day. No, here’s the day. Here’s the honesty of my day’s consumption, as it is, learn what I can from it - both on the page and in my head and heart. Tomorrow is a new day. Oh, I’m going to have to add the Emerson quote, too. Here’s hoping this works!


Here Comes the Sun

I wash my hands and gaze at my painted nails, and I realize that I “feel” those 13 additional minutes of sunlight gained in January (in leng...