Saturday, June 12, 2021

Easy Does It

Saturday morning and the air is cooler; the people are fewer. I like it. I went to the store for some oat bran - my cholesterol was slightly elevated, doc wasn't worried, I like oat bran and I'm ready to change up the breakfast routine.

Speaking of routine, I woke at my usual time without the alarm. Ack. Ugh. The one day of the week I allow myself to sleep in as long as I want to (or can, I'm a natural morning person). I went ahead with my morning routine, because, well, it's good for me. That's how I designed it!

I did cut the bike ride a little shorter than I'd like because the hip was complaining. I tracked my food and exercise on SP because it's still available and I find it easier to use. MFP wasn't bad for food tracking ... but just how many sites/apps do I need in my life?  Seriously, I am casting a wide net and leaving all sorts of electronic-footprint clutter all over. Good thing I'm not one of Ocean's 8!

With the variety of devices I use, iPad, PC, droid ... my visual communication is limited to the tool I'm on. I wanted to add a winking face after Ocean's 8 but I'm not on an easy device to do that. So much letting go of the need for complete knowledge and perfection just to get a blog out! It reminds me of a recent lunch order I placed at work for a group of people ... I was abandoned (not on hold) on a phone call because the food worker could not figure out how to get individual names onto lunches for the delivery order. I had already determined that they might not be able to get the lunches to our site as soon as they were desired. After 5 minutes hanging there, and shouting into the phone in an attempt to get the human to return, I asked my coworker to call in and relayed the message that getting the food to us more promptly was way more important than getting individual names onto the lunches. The people who ordered would have to remember what they requested and sort it out from what was delivered.

So it is with the blog. Dumping out my thoughts, sharing whatever's going on to assist myself in living as well as I can, is far more important than figuring out what the background is going to look like. In fact, I hunted for about five minutes before finding the "+" button to add this second blog. Patience. Time and patience. I can do this.

Back in the day, when I was in therapy for a while, I wrote affirmation cards and read them each day. I wrote several, trying to counteract unhelpful thoughts when I 'heard' them. A couple that come to mind now: "I do not know everything." and "I do not need to know everything." And when it comes to putting these new blogs out there, those newer thoughts-the affirmations-certainly apply! And help me get over the hump of wanting to excel immediately at a new skill (using this new software/site/whatever it's called - see I don't even know what to call what I'm using/learning - lol). It won't be perfect. Neither am I.

But I am over the moon that some friends have found me, and so grateful we're able to keep in touch somehow. Long live our sparks! Now I want to quote OKM ... something about making this a good day, wherever you are on your journey. Just do it!

Hugs and Love,


  1. I like those affirmations and will try to remember them. "I do not know everything." "I do not need to know everything."

    I am up early too because my husband had a golf date at 8 a.m.

    Have a good day and stay safe.


  2. So good to see you "doing your thing". I notice you have a "notify me" check box on this template... I may play with templates again, because that's been the biggest issue with mine... it didn't have the widget/gadget to subscribe. You just became my latest "test site" to see if checking that box is enough to get me email whenever you post a new one!

    1. How’s it working? I think I saw that the email widget will be going away. Part of my new blogging adventures include accidentally deleting my first blog. Yikes! I was able to get it and the comments back. Phew.

    2. Yes, I saw that, too. I am getting e-mails when people respond to your blogs entries that I have left a comment on, but I don't think I do when you post a new entry!

    3. To subscribe, look at the to right corner of the page. Do you see "Reading List"? Click that. You get to your reading list on your own profile page. Look at the left hand banner. It's at the bottom. If you think about it, it is similar in function to the way we subscribed on Spark.

  3. Hmmm, elevated cholesterol here too and accepted my doctor's recommendation for an initial statin trial. But: some oat bran wouldn't hurt!!

  4. I like the way you think and how you are good to yourself :)


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