Sunday, February 4, 2024

Here Comes the Sun

I wash my hands and gaze at my painted nails, and I realize that I “feel” those 13 additional minutes of sunlight gained in January (in length of day). Nail polish makes my nails feel smothered, but I like its  decorative nature, and it’s there to be functional - my already paper thin nails are at their weakest this time of year, peeling and cracking, with not much nail substance there to break off in the first place.
Seasonal affect is a thing.
Why do people want to medicate it away?
Wouldn’t it be better to roll with it, let Mother Nature direct us to reflect on our actions, sit with our thoughts and feelings, and make plans for the more active times of year?
Rest days are important. Rest times are important.
Around here, they talk about people surviving blizzards by hiding in haystacks. I’m thinking evolution will select for those with SAD, because they naturally don’t go out into the dangerous winter weather.
I am not knocking those with SAD who do compensate with medication - heck, I have to work year round, and use daylight electric light to help reduce my natural need for more sleep in winter. But I am more inclined to be in sync with nature, wake with the sun, be active on mild days and stay still on those that are not. Which reminds me, staying still is a skill. Good one to learn.
We’ll gain more than an hour of daylight in February, and in my experience, people become much more active throughout this month. My mother would have described the human behavior as “It’s spring and the sap is rising!” especially when it calls attention to itself.
My sap is rising, and I have the lovely distractions this month of rabbit, rabbit (first day), play reading invitation (today), congregational celebration and SIL birthday and lunar new year (next weekend), Mardi Gras, Valentines Day, and game night (two weekends away), and DH’s birthday to which I can direct my energies. Whew! More activity than I think I want or need, but I’ll take it a day at a time and do what I can.
Even as I wrote this blog, I walked the dog, cooked breakfast, and took out the trash.
My sap is rising.


  1. Oh, my goodness! I wrote my blog before I read yours, and in fact it has been percolating for a couple of weeks, with my own "cave" time being in season. Yes... write a little, do a small task, read a bit, etc. And we get through the darker months to awake and renew the spirit, as the sap rises!

    ((( Hugs )))

  2. Yes, I am definitely appreciating the daylight gained since January here, too. Feel a little mor energy.

    I TOTALLY AGREE! SAD is indeed a real thing, but it’s also the time of year where Mother Nature HAS encouraged us to take life a little easier, think about things.

    Yes, there is plenty that you are doing! Good for you! Hope your SIL and your DH have great birthdays. Mine is in February, too. Good month! LOL

    Hope your SIL is feeling better, too.


  3. This is why the wild critters hibernate through the dark, cold months of winter. Warmer days with more daylight are just ahead. ๐ŸŒž

  4. You have really good points, thanks! I agree it's ok to snuggle up in January. It seems like the pivotal month. I struggle more on the gray, rainy days. Snow would have been better but we had over two weeks of dark skies and rain!
    I'm also enjoying the extra light minutes as my internal workings are driven by the arc of the sun through the sky. I get up when it's dawn and go to bed when the sun sets.

    What color are your nails?

    1. Just a pale pink, almost matches my flesh tone. Went to a salon when we didn’t walk on Wednesday and got a different pale pink with sparkles. Trust me, they’re nothing to write home about ๐Ÿ˜‚


Here Comes the Sun

I wash my hands and gaze at my painted nails, and I realize that I “feel” those 13 additional minutes of sunlight gained in January (in leng...