Saturday, August 20, 2022


 Ah, what a satisfying puzzle!

It took me almost six months to complete it, and provided many hours of enjoyment. The completion of it was so fulfilling that I weeded out several other puzzles and moved them along. I used this one for some ‘heat days’ - keeping myself indoors when weather conditions were dangerous on the hot side. I’ve used this technique to keep myself safe on snow days in recent years. I get terrible cabin fever and tend to go outside before the end of the day! Nowadays I have to consider that my physical abilities are not what they once were, further compromising my safety.😞

Along those lines, if google is to be believed, my right side should feel better in about six weeks. On Wednesday morning, I slipped in the bathtub, and likely mildly bruised a rib. No pain while breathing, so I figure I’m okay. A sharp intake of breath to sneeze was uncomfy a day or two ago; seems better now.

Then yesterday, I walked wrong (probably changed direction too quickly), and it feels like a mild groin pull. I can get around with an occasional “dr dr it hurts when I do this”, so I don’t do that. A part of me is sad that I don’t seem to be as young and spry as I was - oh the things we take for granted - and a part of me is oh so grateful I got to NYC when I did. I was a bit lame on that trip, but today I feel older and more unhealthy.

Getting by, though, and life is good. Grateful for the weekend after a busy month at work (timing that by how far behind I was in looking at OKM’s blogs). Enjoying delicious coffee from Yemen with rumchata creamer. ❤️ Have a good until I see you again 🤗


  1. We share the same doctor. Dr. Google is my usual physician, too, much to the chagrin of my family. Getting older is certainly not for sissies, but it beats the alternative.
    A new puzzle rests on the dining room table, in anticipation of the dreaded arrival of the icy and snowy months that lie in wait.
    Feel better soon. It's nice to "hear" from you again. ;-)

  2. There she is! So good to hear from you! Oh no on the sliop in the tub! YIKES. Hope you feel better.

    OH goodness, definitely we have to maintain gratitude for what we ARE able to do, and find different ways to do what we want/need to do. Constant compromise, change. NOT easy.

    Stay healthy, take good care of yourself! You’re worth it!


  3. Nice to 'see' you!
    Like you said, don't do it if it hurts. Similarly, I did something to the groin joint area and have limped along for weeks; now it's better after gentle exercise and avoiding doing what hurts.

    That puzzle is really pretty and I bet it was extremely taxing at times.
    Don't stay away so long.

  4. Hello -

    What a beautiful puzzle. Hope you heal quickly from the latest injuries.

    Benji is a real cutie. We have two maltipoo's that look likle cousins to him.

  5. Oh, oh, she posted! I wasn't paying attention over the weekend! Good to see you, glad you're pacing yourself with the activity and the injury and that we didn't overdo on Wednesday afternoon!

  6. Me too! I am catching up on blogs I missed and yup, I missed this beautiful puzzle completed. I kinda do the same kind of thing with diamond dotz kits. Huge hugs and Hello!


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