Sunday, February 19, 2023

Daily Check-In February 19, 2023

Good morning!

Partly cloudy here today, but it’s been warm and sunny enough that the ground has slowly been drinking the ten inches of snow moisture. This morning I didn’t even need boots for the depth; it’s melted to maybe an inch on the yard. Glad for that, because I’d rather clean up wet paws than muddy ones. We’ll have those later today!
Thanks for the stories and music and quotes to start the day. The Fastelavnboller look decadent. 
We have Paczski here too, Barb! Our local grocer sells them, and doesn’t break out king cakes until the final week. I prefer my Paczski (pronounced poonch-key here) with blueberry or white cream filling, and probably shouldn’t eat them any more than the king cakes! 
I bought a mini king cake a couple days ago. It’s no Sucre, but the memories are sweet, and I want the grocer to keep making them.
A calorie free way to enjoy the season has been reading my birthday present from DH last year:

Anja thank you again for creating all this after the demise of Sparkpeople, and thank you Jeanknee (and anyone else I’m less aware of) for helping to maintain it! My ‘invisible friends’ ‘online friends’ ‘friends I’ve never met’ mean the world to me ❤️.


  1. Yes! LOVE my paczski! Don’t allow myself a lot, but they are a once-a-year treat. Yes, that’s how it’s pronounced here, too. Ours are fruit filled (blueberry, raspberry, apricot, apple, strawberry, prune) or Bavarian cream. I like ‘em all! LOL Our grocers started having them last week. They’re topped w/powdered sugar, glazed or chocolate. NONE are bad. LOLOL

    We had 6 in. of snow this week. Have lots of melt right ow, but another storm expected mid-week. So, we'll see what happens.

    Stay safe, stay warm, enjoy the paczski's and king cake!


  2. Happy Sunday! Nice to see your post pop up in the reading list.

  3. She's alive! I've been hiding under the blankets for about two weeks, and signs of life are a good thing to get me to poke my nose out from under.

    1. You’ll find me more on this daily thread (if the link or copy and paste works) - it gets refreshed every so often.

  4. Never had it but it sounds wonderful! Nice to see you, again.


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