Friday, July 2, 2021

Did I go too far?

**duplicate post from**

 LOL, I am amusing myself with that blog title.

This is it, I'm spewing words into the universe - whatever happens, happens.
On my walk today, I was thinking about relationships, and my perceived lack of them. Relationships are hard. They require work. And I'm always hurting someone or they're hurting me so I avoid that.
My closest friends are virtual, I only half-joke, and the vehicle through which we relate - sparkpeople - is going away.
I have a friend IRL who is very similar to me. This friend's therapist once told them to examine their need for intimacy. Evidently it's not very strong. This person is the most polite, kind, but can be firm (set boundary) person I know. I wonder if I likewise prefer kind and polite and less messy ugly deep relationships?
Goodness, that was far afield of where I wanted to write.
What I came out here to say:
I walked 1.8 miles this morning.
I didn't mean to.
When I looked up and found myself further than I intended, I thought the street I meant to turn on wasn't cut through. Google maps shows it is - I just missed my turn.
The hip dictates activity.
I exited physical therapy yesterday - only the 3rd visit - feeling balanced and strong. But as long as hip pain is a jack-in-the-box, I am supposed to increase activity gradually. I have been walking 1.3 or 1.4 miles, so this is like a 23 percent increase in distance - yikes!
I iced the hip when I got home.
I'm sitting on a hard chair at the moment. I haven't heard that from a professional yet, but I have heard it from real people over the years that for some reason sitting on hard chairs is physically beneficial.
I did my first of 3 sets of stretching exercises.
I ate breakfast around 8. I've usually been at work for an hour by then, so I'm 2 hours "off schedule" there. Oh, well.
The good news is, no pain yet. The bad news is, I can't willy-nilly be active like I have been for ... um, all my life?
Never take walking for granted.
I'm thinking of popping corn and watching Men In Black.
I really am vacationing to nowhere!
I've also got a puzzle out.
It is so hard to sit still!
Yesterday the PT said, "Motion is lotion," so I gather I shouldn't be immobile. I think I've heard my PTA sister say that, too (SPINNINGJW).
I really, really want to trim the front walk iris, but that's what I did after the 4.5 mile walk that made me pay attention to the hip's needs. So I'm putting that off, especially since I accidentally walked too far.
One. Day. At. A. Time.
I am trying to find other things to do instead of eat. Turns out, most of what I did to stay away from the kitchen was more active than I knew (take a walk, walk the dog, pull some weeds, run errands, housework activity) - and I just feel so frustratingly hobbled!
Easy does it.
Let's hope the hip stays silent but not painful.
Like I told OKM's yesterday, I need to tap into the amazement and appreciation I saw on the PTA's face at appt 2: She was delighted at what I *could* do - I am sure she sees many patients who would be thrilled to be able to move as much as I do.
Time to count my blessings.


  1. I was tempted to say "duplicate comment from" but I'm too lazy to go look up what I said! Baby that hip just a little bit. It might surprise you one of these days and when you think it might have been "too much" it turns out OK.

    1. It was too much. I went one mile this morning and hope it averages out and I can go 1.3 tomorrow. We'll see. Icing it now. Feel free to walk a few for me!

  2. Good job taking care of your hip. It's really something how a wonky hip can then cause all kind of other little niggles in the legs & knees.

    I also have very few people I interact with socially IRL. I mean, I like people just fine, but in my spare time I am very happy being alone or with my family.

  3. Take care of that hip. I'm doing rehab too - an injury doing something SO SO stupid.
    Your "closest friends are virtual?" Online IS MY SOCIAL LIFE

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts today - lots I could relate to! sometimes it's just nice to know there are kindred spirits out there.

    Sounds like your hip is responding to all of the TLC which is encouraging! I am beginning to face I need to place limits on my yard work as well. Who knew how much effort it requires until our body parts remind us!


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