Sunday, July 25, 2021

Pinch, pull, and puppetstrings

I'm learning to walk better.

I pinch my shoulder blades together.

I pull them (metaphorically) into my back pockets - just tucking the corners 'in'. This pulls my head into the correct position.

I imagine puppet strings pulling my legs up at the knees. Not marching; the movement initiated in the quadriceps. If I hear a foot scrape or feel the ponytail swing, I need to make a correction.

"That's a lot to think about!" said my coworker. They're not wrong. But it keeps my mind off other things, which can be a blessing.

In this hot, sticky weather (I remind myself constantly it could be worse), I stay indoors and soak up the air conditioning. Eating is an easy activity to gravitate toward. I must remind myself of other things I can do: read. tidy. strength exercises. get out a puzzle. phone games.

Today is grocery day. Will I win the battle? I'm feeling kind of meat - y this week; but I've never been one to meal plan. What if I don't feel like eating what I've planned? Well, that sounds disgustingly ungrateful! "If you're hungry, you'll eat it," I was taught as a child.

More food relationship unpacking to do. I've always liked the power of no. Saying no when you don't want to eat. But that has social consequences sometimes.

I hate food. I love food. I could go either way.


  1. OMIGOSH what a great mental image, of marionette ALICIA363, walking along... I’m picturing something like the Woody’s Roundup show in Toy Story 2... 😂

    Glad you’ve got cues that help!

    I’ve never been into meal planning either; more into having basic ingredients on hand so I can pretty much easily put something together that fits into my day, depending on what I feel like eating.

    It’s funny, how I don’t really mind logging food, but Gawd Forbid I have to know in advance exactly what I’m eating on Tuesday. That would be unbearably regimented! 🤣

    1. OMIGOSH, Anja! Knowing in advance what I'm eating on Tuesday... what a mind picture, and boy does my inner teen kick at the thought! Retired me relaxes into something like what you wrote... having the healthy food on hand, so I can vary what I eat on the spur of the moment, when the body says... "ummmm, not that, this!"

  2. I'm hunting for the review of the shiny... but expect you might not get to it until NEXT weekend! Olympic men's triathlon coverage is on USA network right now. I'm in fangirl heaven, even though I know none of these athletes' names!✨💖

  3. The things you described are all things I've been taught as far as posture goes. It is a lot to think about, until it becomes a new habit. The pony tail swing is a new one for me though.

    I'm no meal planner either. Never have been. We have the things we like to eat available and pull things together depending on what we feel like eating. With it being 2 adults in the house, it isn't at all unusual for each of us to fend for ourselves either. ~ JEANKNEE

  4. Good for you!
    I have not had issues with my hip in over a year now! That's a huge win as I'd gotten multiple cortisone shots and plenty of PT...until I got the right therapist who noticed my stride.
    I've also not skipped or stumbled on the pavement!

    Did you have a family household like we did? Sunday was a beefy roast or ham day (until football season). Chicken on Wednesday. Leftover ham turned into ham salad. Chicken became the next day's casserole and I don't think there was ever any leftover beef. Pretty routine until we hit our late teens then Mom gave up the kitchen!

  5. Hmmm... thanks for the image for improving my walking posture. No ponytail but I can imagine that too!

  6. My pilates instructor would tell me to tuck my shoulder blades into my back pockets, even though I was in workout pants with no back pockets 😁 I haven’t worn pants with back pockets since 2014!


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