Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Wednesday Weigh-In


Feeling hot, hot, hot. As in three-digit F weather. Ugh.

My hip is aching again. The PT added new exercises last time - I blame that. I haven't been icing (OWJ can tell me why that's bad, if it is). I almost took ibuprofen yesterday.

I skipped my walk last night because of the heat. I skipped my lunch and dinner PT stretches. Just having a little sit-down "no" kind of tantrum because I'm sick of it all. I'm sure C19 resurgence stress has NOTHING to do with it. LOL. It's the climate we're in. Ugh. I want to go back and edit that somehow, but I'm just pouring the thoughts onto the electronic page because I still need to get ready and go to work!

It's good that feelings change once they're let out. Unfortunately putting them in writing can give others the wrong impression that you're still feeling a certain way. Yep, like the tides - ebb and flow of feelings. Always there, but gotta stick with the facts.

Like yesterday at work. Boss was not happy that workers came and did something with no one in the organization informing them. It was presented to me (the assistant) as a done deal. "We're going to xyz." Cooperative team player me says, "Okay." Pragmatic me says, "How will we jkl after you xyz?" And they left the tools for jkl in place. But Boss notices the change and wonders why no one told them?   Hazards of a big organization, I'm guessing. Sigh. Or ugh. I'm not sure which.

Well, I got my stretches in this morning. Now I need to go down all the prepare-for-work lists: hair, makeup, jewelry, perfume, eyes, ears, phone, coffee, pack lunch, all clothes on (lol, it's easy to forget a third piece like a jacket over plain black t and pants). Pack Benji's lunch. Take my stretchy band - OKM and I will stay inside this afternoon. I think we're still in a heat advisory. :(

Okay, we'll see if this stays intact and posts. Have a wonderful Wednesday - stay safe and as healthy as you possibly can (omg, one friend had a gangrenous appendix removed this week and another had a heart catheter and goodness I am not liking this getting older stuff!)!

Love & Hugs,  Ace


  1. You are NOT allowed to get old! You are so much younger than I... you're still a kid... OK, rant over. Getting older still beats the crap out of the alternative of not having you around at all. But, yes, it still sucks!

  2. Ugh. So many aspects of this remind me of places I’ve been. Glad writing about it helps get rid of it! 💖

  3. Ice, ice, Baby!
    I did it for probably months although not religiously. It just felt better. Sure, heat will increase circulation which sounds like a good thin but it is not always good.
    What hurts more; 120F water or 33F water? Bet you'd rather run you hand under the cold faucet than the hot. This is only my observation, not scientific fact that I've dug up.
    Nerves react more nicely to cold than heat and pain becomes lessened, this is a fact.
    Your science for the day.

    1. Thank you for the science lesson! Much appreciated ❤️

  4. Here you on the ebb and flow of emotion, Ace. Left 'em flow and onward we go. Hope the emoting before heading out the door acted as a release valve. ~ JEANKNEE

    1. Yes, it helps. Thanks for listening. And the xyz change was tweaked and improved today. Moving forward...

  5. Oh do go back to icing. It helps. OWJ said it right. The only thing I can say is ice tends to reduce inflammation better, too.

    **SIGH** Definitely anxiety level ratcheted up w/the surging #’s of Covid – the dangerous variant.

    Good for you getting your stretches in this a.m. Bet that helps the hip.

    Was stressing about my hearing aides w/the storms last night . . . . they’re rechargeable. W/O electricity, they don’t charge. OH NO! Well, all ended up ok. Didn’t lose electricity. Sheesh!

    1. Yikes!
      I’m on loaners while mine are sent in for the first time. October will be 3 years with hearing helpers for me. Gish, I do enjoy being able to distinguish “f” from “s” 😀

  6. Hi -

    First things first. I want to belatedly acknowledge your friend request on MyFitnessPal. I'm not sure yet where I will be doing my tracking so not linking up with requests I've received on MFP but did not feel I should click Reject. Likely my social contact aspect of this health journey will be through the Maintainers and Aspiring Maintainers Group as PHOENIX1949 and this will be limited to a time-permitting basis (likely with few individual comments) as I participate in a weight-loss program locally designed by my new cardiologist while concentrating on a genealogy book of my Mom's German ancestors.

    I read each of your posted blogs:

    Yep, this aging process is not for sissies. Mine is accelerating in pace steadily now that I'm in my 70's with the most recent zinger being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

    Sorry about your hip issues but it sounds like you are in the right place doing the PT.

    Benji is adorable.

    Love the limerick on the racer.

    Take care & I will catch you on the Google group and its links to former SP bloggers.


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