Sunday, July 18, 2021

Walking further

Today was slow, because I felt guilty about leaving Benji alone at home. So I pulled the dog stroller from the basement and took him with me.  Benji was perfect! He sat in the stroller the whole time. I don’t think he’s had that many stroller walks before! But he’s a smart boy, and needs the intellectual input. We managed to get 1.7 miles in all, with several stops to get selfies and pets from strangers. I will learn how my hip feels about this slightly longer walk in time. I’m thinking it’s slow enough that the tenth of a mile more won’t matter much.


  1. I need to suggest a stroller for my sisters’ pup. She insists he walk, but his legs are so tiny I feel bad doing any kind of distance with him.

    1. I don't remember where we got this one - Amazon? A part was missing when it arrived. I called about it, and the vendor sent the missing part to us promptly, so I have no complaint. So sorry I can't remember the name!

  2. For reference, only a dog Carl's size or Diamond's size is considered an "endurance" breed and able to go "long" distances, i.e. up to three miles! The littler ones... eh, you don't want them as training partners for a marathon, let's just say.

  3. I have a friend who lived adjacent to a farm and her cat used to accompany her and the dog on rambles past the fields into the woods at the top of the hill! He was a special cat in a lot of ways.❤️

    1. There's a lady in the next neighborhood over whose cat accompanies her on the dog walks ... it was the cat's idea, of course!

  4. Chewy will get a good mile in and then he's done. My Oscar (hot dog) would barely walk our street!
    Winnie, on the other hand, would do a 5k in a heartbeat!

    1. So nice to have options! Benji can go 6 block-sides readily, but my 1.6 miles is too far. We went 1.7 because I took a little side trip to see a friend's new stairs and railings.

  5. Thanks for sharing the photo of you and Benji out for your walk. Glad your hip is coming along. You're wise to take it slow and easy. ~ JEANKNEE


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