Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wednesday Weigh-In


Yeah, it's going the wrong direction. But I'm at a place where I need to be gentle with myself.

When someone pointed out I had done blogs about gratitude on Sparkpeople, I had forgotten. So I looked over there. Oh, yeah, I was trying to go a full calendar year of being grateful for something every day.

Around this time of year, days started doubling up. And then disappeared altogether.


So I've got proof that it's tough.  At least until SparkPeople goes away and those blogs disappear. (No, I'm not 'saving' them.)

Family-wise, we have happy events - birthdays - and sad events - anniversaries of deaths - in July. I dislike the hot and humid July weather. Fourth of July fireworks bother the dog (although not as much as when he was young, thank goodness) and create poor air quality for my walks. Wearing a mask helped with that air quality this year, and nobody stared at me for it - win! They did give me my space, though. I've joked with co-workers about having a mask printed up that says "feeling introverted" for days when I just want people at arm's length or greater.


Well, it's time to dash to work again. I did better yesterday when I allowed myself to sit with the profound sadness of the loss of my brother. And walking with OKM gave me a human connection for that, since she feels the loss as well. It's only been two years.  Feel the feelings - don't eat them!



  1. My sincere condolences on the 2 yr Jahrzeit anniversary of your dear brother's passing. It's always hard. Mine has been gone 39 yrs. and always sad, but he's with me in my heart, just like Kevin is.


  2. 💕✨🌹 Yes, knowing we had that walk together coming up, to "feel" our way through as well as talk through the feelings / reminders was a good thing for the earlier part of my day, too!

  3. May your memories comfort you.


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