Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Weighing In


New badge says “I pity the fool who quits now.” I haven’t walked for distance in a week now.

Juggling priorities...DH on quarantine, water service repairs, extra meetings at work. I bailed on tonight’s event, as well as the sister walk. 😭

Need to sleep but wanted to say hi to y’all. Maybe show you how cute Benji is with his new grooming πŸ₯°

He was not happy that I disturbed him to show him off.  πŸ˜‚


  1. Awww cutie! (Even if a little annoyed ❤️πŸ˜‚)

    Hang in there. Do what you can, when you can; sometimes that amounts to damage control, but it’s still better than no damage control...πŸ’–

  2. Congrats on the weight loss.

    Priorities: life happens.

  3. I too like seeing your badges. Life happens and things work out eventually.

  4. πŸ’— Your friends are always glad you checked in! So is your sister. Hope you got a good night's sleep and that all remains calm and safe in the bubble! It was crappy weather for a walk, anyway... that's our story and we're sticking to it!

  5. If it makes you feel any better, I haven't walked either. Don't know why...

  6. Alicia: LOVE the badge! So clever.

    OH NO! Sorry to hear DH is in quarantine. **SIGH** Good for you for prioritizing.

    Awwww – Benji is a handsome boy!

    HOPE things improve and your DH gets better!

  7. Benji's coloring and haircut looks like he could be a twin to our female Maltipoo Bailey.

  8. Love your Mr T badge.

    When I worked at a veterinary clinic, we had a Siamese we used to board occasionally. He was quite a character, his name was Taco. His owners had him leash trained and when they were at work, they clipped his chain to a clothesline so he had the run of the yard. He looked like he had been in a fight (or several) and had a boxer's ear. I called him Mr T and he usually perched on my desk.

    Fond memories your badge sparked...


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