Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Is It Easier to Be Grateful When the Weather is Mild?

The question crosses my mind.

On those bitter cold days last week, I struggled to find and feel gratitude.

Today, I left the house without writing one down - not my usual habit - but I was not worried about finding and feeling grateful. And, sure enough, I felt and noted gratitude for computer programs that double check my data entry. I also was grateful for an annoying bit of food in my teeth. The fact that I can feel it reminds me I'm alive.

Let's go backwards, since I started with today:

1/10 - "Today I am grateful to wake up." Sorry, I don't remember the details surrounding that one. But it's what I wrote.

1/09 - Today I am thankful DH sent us to bed and we turned off the TV. Not his usual practice to declare our TV watching done, especially on a weekend! But I was less 'off schedule' to start the work week, with a better balance in the sleep account.

Tomorrow is supposed to be mild as well. We'll see where the gratitudes land!


  1. My mother would have told you to be grateful for the bitter cold.
    She used to say we'd only be protected from the flu when it got cold enough to freeze the spit on the ground!
    Wise words from a savvy, crazy woman.

  2. Ooh, I like OJ's response... sounds like something our mom would have said. I do remember her noting times when it was "too cold to snow".

    Fair warning, the weatherman is saying the forecast for the coming weekend is in flux...

  3. “Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour.” — John Boswell

  4. Good job. Yes, that annoying bit of food between the teeth that you can feel means you’re alive!

    Grateful here to see temperatures @ freezing and not below!


  5. Extreme cold doesn't last long here in Central Texas. I consider it Mother Nature's attempt to balance out the extreme heat of our summers.


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