Sunday, July 9, 2023

Planning. Maybe just this week.

Okay, tomorrow the next chapter begins. Strings of 5-day work weeks interspersed with life. July 13, “Keep or Toss” class. July 20, DH’s procedure. And a lot of hurry up and wait at work. What needs to be purchased? Has it arrived yet?

I’m going to let go of the walk-before-work, as the daylight is waning again, and the early morning is busy enough. I still have the exercise bike.
I am thinking of walking 1.6 miles each evening, and moving the daily shower to after that. We shall see. I feel like my daily time with DH is so limited already! It often feels like he is just beginning his day when I arrive home from mine. Which can be frustrating if I’m in a mood to relax together. I think the recent mild temperatures may also have lured me into setting this goal. Do I really want to walk in 90 and 100 degree heat? I can take water, and go slowly, and it’s not far from home to do it. One day at a time.

For breakfast, I’m keeping the drive through routine. It started last spring as a cost of doing business, what I needed to get myself to go to work and get through the work day. And so it continues.

For lunch, I’ll continue with the carrots and apples as central fixtures. Also nuts. I have fish or cottage cheese or hard boiled eggs if I need more of a protein. As I age, I seem to need less and less to eat. It’s a matter of not just eating to be sociable, or propelled by fatigue and/or anxiety, or celebratory eating (it’s the weekend!).

Dinner has always been problematic. Do I eat protein to stay awake? Carbs to fall asleep? After a day of work, decision fatigue and willingness to expend more energy and effort are low. I think my main challenges are not to overeat, and not to turn to sugar. For those who do not know, DH and I do not eat the same things nor at the same time. Breakfast together at a restaurant now and then is a real treat - packing up half my meal is a true accomplishment, since I want to eat it all to celebrate the fact we’re having a meal together 😂

I need to remember my notes on my pantry:


  1. Absolute truth in those notes! Worth. Every. Minute.

  2. There's only one thing more precious than our time and that's who we spend it on. 🤗⏰

  3. You must live in my house.
    I've decided there are two types of men. Those who sleep late and don't get moving until after lunch, and those who get up at the crack of dawn and don't stop. My DH is in the former category, my brother in the latter. I have cooked two meals for years since I eat mostly meat and flour-free while DH eats mostly meat and bread. Dining out is wonderful since we can choose our favorites. Pizza and ice cream are about the only thing we share an affinity for and even on that we have different toppings and flavors!

    I'm glad you've continued your walking. Yep, walking in the heat is a challenge. I discovered I can only walk the treadmill now as my slightly hilly neighborhood does not agree with my heart. I can walk miles with no issues on the beast, yet a walk around the block leaves me somewhat breathless and my knees hurt. Duh.

    I find I eat more to fit into social norms than because I am hungry and also eat less than I used to.
    Have a fun week.

  4. I think you’re right. I think the eating has toned down as the age has increased. And that’s all right. You’re doing a good job balancing your nutrition. Keep it up.

    Well, for sure, it would be a celebration to have a meal together if that doesn’t regularly happen! And it’s nice to prioritize how you do things to maximize time w/your DH. It’s nice to feel that way, isn’t it!

    Here’s to a good week ahead.



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