Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Yep, I did not want to walk in the heat. I chose to walk before work and on break and got over a mile, I’ll take it.  I’ll try to do the same today.

Breakfast and lunch went well. I came home hungry and ate willy nilly. The scale will provide me with feedback and I can revise from there.

Yesterday I noticed how much water I drank in the morning. Must have been thirsty and I didn’t realize it. So, now trying to pay attention to water intake.

The sleep component of the puzzle is going reasonably well, considering the air conditioning sounds tend to wake me. I set my morning alarm later to try to maximize rest. As Elyse Myers pointed out,  Rest is productive. Benji helps me get to bed on time. Love that dog.

Grateful for: Daylight before work.

Looking forward to: a productive work day at a reasonable pace of working. Following the breakfast and lunch eating plan.

Working on: Drinking more water.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Great job! Yes, I prefer walking when it’s cooler, too.

    I am always surprised @ the amt. of water I need to drink in the heat!

    Chuckling, because our Miss Lilly is ALWAYS ready to head to the bedroom @ the same time every night. She has a little internal alarm clock, I swear! And she’s always up @ the same time every morning, too (4 AM!) But that we are used to now.

    You have good, solid plans. And you’re working them. Good luck!


  2. Adjustments. Always a necessary part of life. Onward! 💪🏼

  3. Dogs love routine. It's funny, at Thanksgiving and Christmas when Carl's house is invaded by all the grand-parents, he wants to pooh out and go to bed at his normal time. As you said, "Love that dog"... everyone thinks their dog is the best. And Everyone is right!


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