Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Secret Step Tracker

Confession time: I bought DH a step tracker, but I never thought he'd use it.

And after he started using it, I realized I wanted one. I think I unconsciously thought I would end up using it, since I was sure he wouldn't. After he began to report his numbers, and I realized this, I ordered an identical one for myself.

It's simple. No connecting to a smart phone. Cheap. Charges in a USB port. Resets itself to zero each day. Eliminates my waffling about returning to wearing a wristwatch; this tells the time, too. Works for me!

But, I don't want to hurt his feelings. I can easily get twice his steps, at least on at home days (I haven't had mine very long).

This all started with his December surgery, hospitalization, and re-hospitalization for five days with post surgical complications. I told him I wanted proof he was getting better, since the last time they discharged him, he got worse. He surprised me by starting to use the tracker - I had put his pre-sets in, height, weight, stride length, age, date, time, because he has no patience for anything frustrating. Some days, he asks me to help get the tracker onto his wrist. And for help zipping his coat, since there's a bend in the fabric that he has trouble navigating.  Lort, I'm not fond of this aging process. Is it age, or just his temperament?

But I digress. So I figure I'm feeling a lot like DD did when she got her first tattoo, waiting for us to notice, and we hadn't for a while, so she made a point of making us notice. I've been wearing long sleeves over my tracker, but I do reference it, and he might have noticed, but he hasn't said anything. I'm glad I'm writing this. It helps me process and now I think I'll have a better answer for him if and when he says something. Mostly, I don't want to share my step number, for fear of disheartening him or generating some sort of competition I do not want to have.

A dear friend inquired about DH, and with recent good blood test results mentioned he should be fine as long as he eats right and exercises. Yeah, right. Part of the tracker idea was to get him off his behind, because he spends most of his retirement day surfing his laptop and watching TV.  His only activity was walking the dog, and now that the snowstorm has coated outdoor surfaces, that will be drastically reduced. Sigh. Can't live another person's life for them.

My goal is to make sure I get at least 3000 steps each work day. I remember in the era of fitbit dots, some days were a struggle to get to 3 dots. So, in my often sedentary job, I aim to be more conscious of getting minimal movement. Keeping the focus on myself, and taking it one day at a time.


  1. Progress on all fronts, there! I've been out for two short shoveling sessions, so far this morning. Putting "proof I read it" on your blog before I head out for the third. The wind makes it colder than it was when I was shoveling yesterday, so when you go out to do yours... bundle up well!

    (( hugs ))

  2. Alicia: I am convinced that God created women because he KNEW men could not survive retirement w/o us.

    Glad DH is using the step counter. And good for you getting one for yourself.

    Chuckling loudly . . . DD had a tattoo for TWO months before I noticed it! OY Since then has gotten more, but she’ll show them to me know.

    So, if you think sharing the # of steps would hurt his feelings, I simply wouldn’t share it with him. Encourage him to compete with HIMSELF. That’s what I had to do w/MY DH. He got the hint.

    IT IS HARDER THAN HARD to get these retired men to move! Jason has been retired for 4 yrs. He will do his PT exercises faithfully, but really not into more physical activity, which he needs to be, too. It’s a process!

    Take good care of YOU!


  3. Alicia, you're right. We cannot live another's life for them. Take care of yourself. Enjoy your now secret tracker, keep the number to yourself and don't enter any unwanted competitions. Keep warm and stay safe.


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