Sunday, August 18, 2024

August 18: DH's encouragement

 I'll let DH have the headline, since he let me put his picture in. Today I am grateful for DH's encouragement during the weekly grocery and goods shopping.  I typically go alone, and was surprised it took a full hour at the first store. I went for one item and bought nearly $90 worth of stuff. I texted him that I was done with the first store, cheering myself along with a muscle emoji 💪. I was elated to receive a 2-emoji response from him: kissy face and thumbs up 😘👍 My elation told me this was a harder trip than usual - sometimes I don't know what I feel until I get feedback from others. My emotions inconvenience others, I've learned, so if I don't perceive/express them, I get through the world better most of the time.

Today I am grateful for menopause and no longer having the inconvenience (and more) of the monthly cycle. Good riddance.

Today I am grateful for the ability to see, and read, for my impulse book purchase at store number one.

Not my genre, murder mystery; and I typically prefer nonfiction. But continuing to read on Poverty by America just seemed like more negativity than I can handle at the moment, although the facts are impartial facts. But it's depressing to see just how the structure of the U.S. hurts so many.

So I picked this up, intrigued by the plot of a high powered attorney having to defend their spouse against a charge of murdering his side piece. We shall see!
It's raining here today, so a good day to read a book. In fact, even as I wanted to overthink my purchases and needed to use the restroom, life-experience-woman inside me said, "you have to go now" and I listened. The first raindrop fell ad I shut the trunk on my purchases, and the first lightning flashed before I slid into the driver's seat. Whew! 
Home and DH helped bring in the groceries and I expressed my gratitude to him directly and said he's in my blog today and could I use his picture. I expected a no, so snapped the book cover first. I am grateful to my father for teaching me things about photography. I am grateful to google for cross-devicing the photos. I am grateful for the ease of use of phone cameras.
Okay, time to go read!
Have a good day - hugs and love, Ace


  1. Additional helping hands are always nice.

  2. Lucky you, a handsome man! Better to be helpful as well.
    I've done well going alone AND with a list. I cross off the items first, then think about extras. It saves me some calories, LOL. If I take DH he walks every aisle and reads everything. Asks a lot of questions about if we have things at home and put thing in the cart that are not necessary for survival!

  3. Yeah for making it through the shopping and YEAH for DH’s wonderful support. Handsome fella! He reminds me of my Uncle Ed who was a porcelain sculptor and writer!

    Yup . . . on this side of the big M, too, and NO regrets. LOL

    Oh, I love legal thrillers! John Grisham’s novel The Exchange is what I’m reading right now. The Perfect Marriage looks like one I’d enjoy, too. Enjoy the book!

    And tell your DH thanks for allowing you to share his photo!


  4. You did pick a winner there, sis! I'm late getting to the blog-reading. Things and stuff, you understand, thank goodness!

    Time to go get Ember out after puppy nap #2. At least she got her leash walk today, so things should be good. Except of course for the things that are challenging, and even those are learning opportunities, right?


September 22: Two restrooms

Today I am grateful we have more than one bathroom. For two people with very different sleep schedules, it’s amazing how frequently we need ...