Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6th: Veterinarians

Today I am grateful to have the mental capacity to know that I dated yesterday's blog title incorrectly. I was pretty tired last night. The dog even barked me into going to bed before I wanted to.

Today I am grateful for veterinarians. Benji was doing poorly enough that DH took him to the vet, AND even called me at work while they were there. Poor fella (Benji) has pancreatitis and poor fella (DH) needs to quit feeding him peanut butter and other fatty foods. Glad the vet was clear with them about that.

Benji didn't eat the low fat canned dog food; but he did eat some unseasoned baked chicken breast. Kept it down (he's on an anti-nausea med). Wonder how long this will take to resolve. DH cancelled doggie daycare and the grooming we had planned for tomorrow. One of the ironies is that we fed him the allergy meds twice a day in peanut butter, recently, which may hsave exacerbated any pancreatic inflammation he may have been getting. Oy.  The new med he accepted in a bit of the canned food; DH needs to give it to him once a day. Glad I'll be at work.

Today I am grateful for my patella, which is strong and whole and bore the brunt of a recent stumble up stone steps. 

Today I am grateful for the ease of use of the phone camera, which records an image that reminds me of what I was thankful for earlier in the day.

Hope you had a good one!  Hugs and love, Ace


  1. Finding gratitude is good for our mental health. 😊

  2. Benji . . . smart boy getting you to bed when you needed to!

    So sorry to hear that Benji is ill. HOPE for speedy healing . . . for BOTH Benji and DH.

    OH NO on your stumble up the steps. And yes, gratitude for a strong and whole patella!



  3. Grateful for a gratitude practice. I am grateful for stress, which teaches us that we are strong and resilient, but also for days when stress is relieved, because as with building muscle, it's in the rest that we grow stronger!



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