Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August 7th: Benji's feeling better

 Oh, thank goodness, Benji is starting to act more like his normal self. I truly wonder if he caught a virus 4 weeks ago at daycare 😞

 Today I am thankful for the silly phone game that soothes my brain. Today I am thankful for nail polish to entertain myself, decorate myself, preserve whatever nails I have to protect my fingers.
Today I am thankful for the vet again, who called to check on our patient. Lordy, Benji needs a grooming as well as the daycare socialization, but she said he needs to go a full 24 hours without his "hack a loogie" cough before he can go back.
Today I am thankful for an understanding sister, who allows me reprieve when work and the world have taken too much out of me.
Today I am thankful for Wheel of Fortune. Brain and soul soothing. I hope I still like it this much if it is on all the time at whatever care facility I may need as I age. Will we even have TV broadcasts then?
I am grateful to whoever came up with Snoop Dogg and Martha watching dressage at the Olympics. So fun and funny!
I am grateful to my smart and strong and funny offspring. How did that happen? Grateful DH said okay, we can have a kid. Grateful he took that risk, despite worrying he would be awful at parenting. Grateful DD came over to visit Benji today. I think it cheered him up.
I'm grateful for golden rules, like do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and mind your own business. 😂
I left work thinking I would not be able to write a gratitude blog. I was not feeling grateful for anything, or so I thought. But like a muscle, working it out regularly seems to bring it strength, feels like it comes out of nowhere, but that working out has an effect.

Here's to goal setting and goal achieving!  Have a good 24 hours ... or until I write again.
💗Hugs and love, Ace


  1. I do so appreciate your gratitude posts. I also like the Golden Rule, "mind your own business." It works in so many venues.

  2. Alicia, I am so very happy that Benji is feeling better. Poor boy. And that’s awesome that the vet called to check on Benji, too. That’s a GREAT vet!

    I am just so entertained @ the pairing of Snoop Dogg and Martha. As Martha would say, it’s a good thing. LOL

    Hope that DD is doing well w/all her life changes, and that’s wonderful that her visit cheered Benji up.

    HUGS, love and healing

    Love the photo!

  3. LOVE the "mind your own business" as a golden rule. There are so many things we do not know because we are not inside another person's mind or life. Today I am thankful for a personal trainer who accepts that his clients cannot always adapt their schedules to his... and mine today is dictated by dog!

    1. P.S. So good to see Benji looking more his chipper self!


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