Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sept. 1: Rabbit Rabbit πŸ°πŸ‡

 Today I am thankful for the charming custom of saying "rabbit, rabbit" at the start of a month for luck. Nice demarcation of time passing, for me.

Today I am grateful that I challenged myself to codify gratitudes every day in August and September. And I am looking forward to the release of myself from that formal commitment after September 30th!

I am grateful for things that last. This towel is over 36 years old. If I could buy another identical set, I would.

I am thankful my mealtimes today are not restricted by the workplace. It's nice to be able to eat when hungry, rather than by the clock.

I am thankful for TikTok as a source of information and entertainment. Don't worry, I have a healthy skepticism and do fact check as well. I couldn't believe my age mate who passed at her work desk; unfortunately, it was easy to confirm. 😒

Sorry to end on that sad, solemn note. Hope your weekend is going well.


  1. I am grateful for your daily post that reminds me to find daily gratitude for all the "small" things in my life. πŸ™πŸΌ

  2. Alicia: Laughing to myself. DH and I will be married 36 yrs. in November and I still have towels that were gifts from that time! And yup . . . they don’t make ‘em like they used to! My kids tease me. "Why do you still keep those old towels?" Because they are in perfect condition, I like them, and they don't make them like that anymore. LOL

    Here’s to a great Labor Day!


  3. Speaking of towels that are old and still in service, I still have, cherish, and use a hand towel that was the last Christmas gift given to me by our paternal grandmother, before she passed, in the early 1980's. I cherish it even more after having an online conversation with my son, years ago, when he was deployed, about the reasons we hold on to things. The memories, the honoring.


September 22: Two restrooms

Today I am grateful we have more than one bathroom. For two people with very different sleep schedules, it’s amazing how frequently we need ...