Sunday, July 11, 2021

Earned another badge!

“ Fun fact! 180 miles is the distance from top to bottom of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. Bet you didn’t know that! 🤓”

Feeling pretty good about my progress. The 1.6 was easier today. I made sure to take it more slowly - I think my excitement about increasing distance may have made me push too hard yesterday.

I also got through weekend chores. The hips are tired, but now they can rest. As long as I get up and move every hour so I don’t stiffen up. Patience. Time and patience.


  1. I have a friend who plans on walking the Boston Marathon (virtual). I hopped on one of her walks on Friday and was pleased that I walked a few miles with her. The birds and pieces that I've been doing on my own are adding up to something. I'm glad your are making the time for YOU. It is a struggle for many women.

  2. Yay for both the mileage *and* taking it easy and also getting the chores done!

    I was pleased I managed to whittle down about half of the the mending pile today 🙂

  3. I should have known that. I've driven that state often enough (VA to NY)
    Congratulations on your latest accomplishment.

  4. Did not know that little tidbit... I believe the east-west dimension is longer (at least it seems that way when you drive it!) Good progress - keep it up!!

  5. Nope, did not know that. Not sure I ever clocked the miles when going through PA to NJ from Southern Tier of NYS... I was more concerned about the kid, the dog, etc. and maintaining sanity! Well done slowing yourself down so you don't end up having to STOP!

  6. It really takes patience to be patient with yourself and recovery. Like Janet said one step at a time!


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