Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Wednesday Weigh-In: I come in peace


I ordered new pants because of the number. But my current pants seem to fit better.

Oh! I remember this rodeo! Muscle takes up less space than fat, but it weighs more. PT (physical therapy) must be building some muscle. 

The exciting news in our household is the addition of this lovely unit:

I swear if it had greeted me yesterday, I would have greeted it back.  Very R2D2-esque, looking like a piece of equipment from the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

It is in actuality the battery to our new lawn mower. Hopefully easier to use. Definitely lighter (so much plastic!), I hear it will be quieter. Maybe that’s why the weekend tradition of waking up to the sound of lawn mowers is disappearing? Time marches one, and we’re dragged along with it.

Today is my last day of ‘vacation’. I got up and kept my work day routine - I am hopeful and grateful for the opportunity to nap later. After an early morning walk with OKM, I’ll be having lunch and shopping with DD for her birthday.

It’s been a busy time in nowhere! 😉


  1. Not sure where my comment went... still trying to get the hang of blogspot. Hope you enjoy your last day of vacation!!

    1. This one took! Thanks for dropping by. (Hugs)

  2. Have a good time shopping w/DD So much fun!

    Enjoy your new mower. Thinking of trying electric, too.


    1. DH was surprised I have never used gasoline or electric - only manual mowers! We're not getting any younger, and I haven't found anyone to do it, so we'll try battery-operated. Wish us luck!

  3. Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter! And good to see and gab with you this morning!

  4. Yikes. I don’t know if my comment went, or not. I’m having issues with my Google accounts on my iPhone today.

    Don’t miss the leaf blowers & lawnmowers of my old neighborhood in the Finger Lakes! LOL

    1. Got this one - thanks! I’m having to clear cache and cookies on the regular to get blogspot working. Small price to pay, I figure. Have a great day!

  5. Thanks for the muscle vs fat lesson, I needed the reminder, as I’m looking less lumpy, but the scale is creeping upward.

    1. Way to go, Dee! It’s so freaky to see the number go up as the pants get looser. We can do this!

  6. Wow expecting it to get up and turn into a car :)

    1. LOL, Transformers! Hoping DH gets to using it today.

  7. I commented over on the SP cross post yesterday
    It's sad over there watching one after another page go dark
    Happy BDay to your DD.

  8. You know I hadn't thought about hearing less lawn mowers and now that you pointed it out you are right. That is quite a battery though. Have a sparkly day!

  9. An electric mower! Oh how I would love such a thing. Right now we have a gasoline-powered zero-turn mower. We have about an acre to mow, but we are trying to get the woods to overtake a bunch of it. I hate mowing! I don't know what I'll do once all my kids move out!


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