Tuesday, August 24, 2021

It’s a Good Day to Have a Good Day

 My bedtime is 9. At 9:13 last night, I startled fully awake. I’d forgotten the delivery at the front desk.

See, work is intense right now. My new coworker needs support. My organization pulls me away to meetings, and they are left alone to manage.

Yesterday, more things to do came in than went out. Sigh.

So today, we try again. The list is long, but we prioritize as best we can.

Saturday, the work stress led me to run 4 blocks out of my walk. It felt good.
Sunday morning, my right knee wasn’t sure it could support me when I got out of bed.
Monday morning, I had a short shooting pain in my right thigh.
I blame the running.
But oh, it’s so good for stress relief.
And basically my instructions from the PT were not to do anything that makes me hurt.
Today, I got out of bed successfully. Time to try some more jogging?!? πŸ˜€


  1. Good morning! Yes, today we try again! πŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ’ And the beat, and the spark go on!

  2. Yup, here is to a fresh day. We can do this.

  3. Don't hurt yourself! Take it nice and slow. Your sister will wait up for you!

  4. Yoiks - I hate when that happens!

    The kind of stress you describe is the sort of thing that derails my attempts at tracking and exercising regularly. Good job, keeping all of those balls in the air!


  5. Jogging...really?! Pain yesterday...jogging today. Listen to your body and give it another day.

    1. Sage advice. But it’s the nasty hot and humid weather that’s keeping me from it. And the lack of commitment to running again - work was so stressful, I had to jog it out!

  6. Easy does it. Tai Chi helps me with stress and it's way past time to get back to practicing this daily.


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