Saturday, June 15, 2024

Giving myself credit

 A Beck concept, if I remember correctly.

I came out here to articulate what I’ve been up to, thinking it’s immodest bragging, knowing it was too lengthy to put in the chat thread.

I wrote: Friday - doctor and tire repair. My mind was blank after that. Really, that’s it? Why were you so exhausted? That’s not long enough for a blog. And I deleted it.

Then I took a bike break to use the restroom, and DH had me move the cake I baked this morning - oh yeah, I did that - and memories of all I tended started to come back.

Yesterday morning I got up and biked per my usual routine. Since the day was not hot yet, and I had time before the doctor, I went into the yard and pruned along the west fence and around the shed, until the trash can was almost full.

I went to the annual doctor visit, good report, he’ll leave me alone until next year (that’s good to me, others may have different relationships with and needs from their providers). After that, I finally got to the tire place and got the slow leak patched. They found additional things that need tending, so I arranged for Tuesday to get them done, having to call work in the process to ask my buddy to check my calendar so I don’t miss any critical work things.

When I got home, I started in on my new read, “Nothing to Fear”, about end of life journeys. I follow the author on TikTok, and my work pal has a dear friend whose mother just went on hospice. I was thinking about buying the book for a while, and I hope to finish it this weekend and offer it to that pal.

I remembered other chores, so initiated a tree removal inquiry, and scheduled pedicures for me and my DD today.

This morning, I got up and made a cake for tonight’s potluck. Oh, yeah, a trip to the store for those ingredients was another of yesterday’s activities! After this bike ride, we’ll get those pedicures. I’ll come home to be Benji’s companion while DH goes to rehearsal. When he returns, I’ll head to the potluck. I feel as busy as Deb from San Diego - more to do than I prefer!

Hopefully tomorrow I can sit and relax and read my book. But - its also Father’s Day and I did pick up a trinket for DH and I suppose there’s a chance I’ll go to a play reading with him. We shall see.

Have a great day, everyone, and keep p the positive self talk. Remember to give yourself credit for every little thing you do that moves you closer to your goals!  As OKM says, and MOBYCARP used to say, Life is good!



  1. LOL... I'm sure MOBYCARP still says it! You are always busy, to my way of thinking! Glad you're managing to keep your balance and self-care going, too!

    Well, got to go check on my young 'un!

  2. Baked a cake, did pruning, good Dr. visit (kudos to you!), and got a leaky tire patched. Pretty darn good!

    Enjoy the pedicure w/DD! That is nice Mother/DD time.

    Hope the rehearsal for DH goes well and you get to go to a reading tomorrow. Nice.

    Happy Father’s Day to DH.



Giving myself credit

 A Beck concept, if I remember correctly. I came out here to articulate what I’ve been up to, thinking it’s immodest bragging, knowing it wa...