Thursday, August 1, 2024

August 1st: The smell of coffee

Today I am grateful to smell DH's coffee automatically brewing first thing in the morning; it means our electric power has been restored.

I am grateful DH and Benji made it home safely yesterday. A storm blew through our landlocked area with tropical storm force winds. DH drove in the thick of it to pick up Benji from daycare.

The deciduous hardwood trees took the winds as well as they could, but the wreckage is significant. Approximately 10% of the population lost power. My usual coffee shop is closed today for lack of electricity; so is DD's workplace. And DD's home is without power still. We were only off about 6 hours here.

I took a lovely long walk around the neighborhood yesterday with the last of the day's light. It was so nice to say hello to people on their porches and balconies, and chat a bit with some. At about the halfway point, I realized I had a very friendly dress on: light blue with dragons breathing rainbows (instead of fire) and I think white clouds too? Very elementary school, lol. In fact, a young child requested I close his car door for him, and I did so. Mom was on her cell phone. Older sibling thanked me through the dark tinted window. :)

Those types of human interactions are soul sustaining for me. But they don't happen often; we are in our dwellings, working on, watching, or communicating with screens. Sigh. I actually felt like a teenager again, with an unknown stretch of unscheduled time and "nothing to do".

Have a good day! Hugs and love, Ace


  1. It's so true. Ember has opened up reams of new conversations with other humans for me, because she gets me outdoors. We survived the pre-vet hour but she was showing the "I'm hungry, I know if I nibble on mom's arm..." Funny how conditioning works. If I feed her because she nibbles on me, guess what she tries when she's hungry?

    Anyway, this morning I am grateful for her car-sickness. She had nibbled on grass in the back yard, and as restless as she was, I bundled her into the car and drove around. She got rid of all the grass (and some stomach acid, to boot) before we got to the vet. She will come home late this afternoon if all goes well.

    Meantime, the house seems empty and I have things to do. Now's a good time to clean and organize!

  2. It sounds like your walk was soul lifting!


September 22: Two restrooms

Today I am grateful we have more than one bathroom. For two people with very different sleep schedules, it’s amazing how frequently we need ...