Friday, August 16, 2024

August 16: Television

 Yesterday I was grateful I could quiet this almost ever-present noise in our household.

Today, the cable provider was out for several hours. Absence makes the heart grow fonder!  I am thankful for the routine of the TV noise once again being available to us, providing structure and conversational fodder.

I am thankful my dear sister survived the morning walk with her young dog. Whew!

I am grateful for the insight and intelligence of my DD, who called a personal assessment for my job "workplace astrology". Humorous, and somewhat accurate IMO.

I am grateful for the coworkers of decades ago, who called my attention to the inaccuracies of self-reporting my traits. That's how I tested as an ENTP when I'm actually an INFJ, for those of you who speak Meyers Briggs.

So thankful for the weekend's rest, which is sorely needed. ttyl 💚


  1. Alicia: Sounds like a good day, and I hope it continues into the weekend! Remember to breathe!


  2. LOL! Nice to know you're grateful I survived! I am, too. And I'm grateful for the progress this puppy has made that resulted in a survivable incident on our walk. I am grateful that she's off medical restriction and that I have a nice, fenced back yard for her to stretch her legs in!

  3. Aha, you live in a house like mine. The TV goes on first thing and off, last!


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