Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Today I am thankful for our furry companion. Picture from one week ago, his latest grooming. He looks like the wise fella he is.

Today I am grateful I have rings in multiple sizes, to accommodate my fingers as my weight fluctuates and-or if they swell.

Today I am thankful for my 'better half', feeling like he balances out or helps me temper my emotional extremes. Hey, who knew, there may be an upside to marrying an actor! (Don't get me started on the down sides, lol 😂!)


  1. Benji is sooooooooo handsome! Those eyes they could melt an iceberg!

    Awwww, that is good that your DH balances out your emotional extremes. That’s how it works here in this house, too. We both balance each other out. Thank goodness! LOL



September 22: Two restrooms

Today I am grateful we have more than one bathroom. For two people with very different sleep schedules, it’s amazing how frequently we need ...