Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sept. 4: cottage cheese, notes

Today I am thankful for cottage cheese. High protein, low fat, hunger buster when feeling hungry annoys me.

Today I am thankful for notes. Little reminders of things to do, ideas to act upon, and so satisfying to cross off or throw away once dealt with.

It's been a while since I wrote this one, at least the first three things. I have no idea why I was grateful for tap water. I am grateful for running water in my home often; maybe that's what I meant. I do not care for the flavor of the tap water here, but I'm glad I can wash and water so easily with water on tap.

I appreciate weather forecasts so I can make plans: what to wear, things to do, staying safe.

The third one continues the teeter-totter: it's a fact my blood pressure goes down when my weight does. I was tickled to be making progress recently; the last few days, maybe not so much progress and-or a little sliding back. I am grateful for the life experience that can allow me to accept what is, and move forward.

To a good night's rest! Love, Ace


  1. Yes, agree w/you. Grateful for tap water, even though I don’t drink it, I use it for everything else. Don’t like the taste of our water either.

    Life is up and down, for sure, so just have to make your healthy lifestyle efforts the best you can each day and it will grow success!


  2. BP and weight loss... I have noticed this in myself as well. Suppose we might be related?


September 22: Two restrooms

Today I am grateful we have more than one bathroom. For two people with very different sleep schedules, it’s amazing how frequently we need ...