Saturday, September 7, 2024

September 7: bad moods

Today I am grateful for my crabby morning. If I was never in a bad mood, how would I know a good one.

I did not sleep well. The dog barked frequently. I am glad the dog is alive and well to bark ... even if it disrupts my sleep and makes me crabby.

I am thankful for socks. They keep my feet clean when I don't want to wear shoes. They keep my toes warm when a chill creeps into the air.

I am grateful for good books. I'm onto another novel now; puzzled by my move to fiction, having preferred  non-fiction for most of my life. But I'm enjoying these stories, and it gives me something to do beside eating and chores.

Hope you're having a good day, or appreciating it for whatever it is!


  1. Oh, my goodness... talk about mirrors... I have read more non-fiction in the past few years, having been hooked on fiction most of my life!

    I am grateful for skepticism!

  2. Alicia: So wise! Sometimes we just have to recognize that the bad moods/bad situations lead us to appreciate the good moods, good situations even more!

    Oh Miss Lilly has been ill most of the week post vaccinations (notably the flu shot, which she will NEVER get again!) but is getting back to her old self again, and . . . I am appreciating it more!

    Socks . . . with the cool weather, sock season begins!

    Enjoy your fiction novel.



September 22: Two restrooms

Today I am grateful we have more than one bathroom. For two people with very different sleep schedules, it’s amazing how frequently we need ...