“ Congrats on reaching 200 miles! Keep going strong and remember what coach Angie says, “YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!” “
When I take a moment away from my extended pity party (SparkPeople is dying, my job is hard, my hip hurts again), I am in awe.
200 miles.
That’s what I tried for last year, but only made it to 120.
I’ve got 200 new miles this year.
If I get 100 more, I will open the medal. There are people in the running group who are close to 1,000 miles - I love seeing the virtual badges they earn and hearing of their adventures and accomplishments. They remind me of my love of running, even if I’m not doing it.
OKM is up to jogging a bit. I mentioned to her on my last visit how I admired her running for those who couldn’t - I just never imagined I’d be one of them. Go ahead and put in a few steps for me, sis 💗 but be careful 🐓🐓🐓
The weather was so nasty hot and humid Thursday that I didn’t get a mile. I was hoping, but... The first time I took Benji out after work, my glasses fogged up just stepping outside, like they do when opening a hot oven. Couldn’t see out of them. I thought, “I’ll walk later, when the heat has lessened a bit.” A few hours later, I open the door to take Benji out again. This time the glasses clouded up - I could see through the haze, but it was enough for me to give up the dream of walking myself. It waited until Friday.
And today the before school busy-ness continues: eye appointment and order new glasses. We’ve finally got some rain, and I hope the effect is to wring out the unbearable humidity. I just had oat bran and a banana for breakfast; a good start to the eating day. And it’s the weekend, so if I am tired, I can rest or nap rather than eat. It’s good to remind myself of that. Hugs & have a great day!