Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 22: Two restrooms

Today I am grateful we have more than one bathroom. For two people with very different sleep schedules, it’s amazing how frequently we need the facilities at the same time.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

September 14: a sense of belonging

The kind when you’re with people, but the silences are comfortable.

I got this Thursday. I got this last night.

I’m grateful I went last night. I was tired and reluctant. DD said are you going and we agreed we should and we did. What a great community. Small. Are we shrinking? Hard to say. But we need to do our part. A good share of life is just showing up.

Friday night services really require effort from me to get there. At the end of the work week, I just want to stay home all weekend.

Tonight is another event - the 25th anniversary of the monthly potluck. When I was tracking on sparkpeople, I always had a weight bump-up after. Nowadays that seems like a small price to pay for the sense of belonging, the feeling of being with friends, with chosen family.

Hugs and love to all,


Thursday, September 12, 2024

September 12: sweat

 Today I am thankful for sweat. Without the constraint of having to be at work at a specific time, I was able to pedal and pedal and pedal on the exercise bike. I sweated like I haven't in a long time! I'm grateful my body still knows how to do that.

 Today I am grateful for enough to eat. Although I dislike the physical feeling of hunger, I am confident I will be able to eat as needed, as appropriate, and even in excess at times - both in healthy and unhealthy ways.

 Today I am grateful for the wisdom of age. I will not regret not being at work as a friend I've never met in real life passes through my town. Why anyone would want to travel here, I've no idea, but this friend definitely has itchy feet in the idiomatic sense. Probably too smart for their own good. My peeps! 

Today I am thankful for whoever said to talk to yourself like you would talk to your dog. Look at that beautiful belly! 😂

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 10: friends

Today I am grateful we can make online friends and stay in touch electronically even when platforms change.

I am grateful for those friends who can pick up where we left off, even after time has passed between our episodes of keeping in touch.

Today I am thankful for the routines of work. I may not like all the tasks, but some of what my boss wants can be predictable, and for that, I’m grateful.

Today I am once again thankful for unrestricted donations. Other like-work places may have the human resources and financial support to enhance their workplace; we do not. The generous people who give because they can see we need help and trust us to use it wisely are so, so appreciated.

Thinking of you all and hoping there are gifts you find in this day, hugs, Ace.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sept. 8: football and patience

Today I am grateful for football. Getting into the routine of the next season. DH seems happier with this diversion in the mix.

I am thankful for diet soda. When I feel the need to consume something or hydrate (I dislike water), it’s a useful tool that doesn’t break the calorie bank.

I am grateful for the skill of patience. I had to exercise it with myself today. I needed a break from routine! Ended up riding the exercise bike “mid-day” at 10:30. Paid a premium to restock the pantry from our local store; I just didn’t want to spend so much time shopping this week. Treated myself gently as I dealt with my own resistance to chores that must be done. Got them done anyway. Yay, me!

Remember, the only person you have to live with for the rest of your life is you. Today I am grateful for that knowledge, and fortunately seemed up to the challenge!


Saturday, September 7, 2024

September 7: bad moods

Today I am grateful for my crabby morning. If I was never in a bad mood, how would I know a good one.

I did not sleep well. The dog barked frequently. I am glad the dog is alive and well to bark ... even if it disrupts my sleep and makes me crabby.

I am thankful for socks. They keep my feet clean when I don't want to wear shoes. They keep my toes warm when a chill creeps into the air.

I am grateful for good books. I'm onto another novel now; puzzled by my move to fiction, having preferred  non-fiction for most of my life. But I'm enjoying these stories, and it gives me something to do beside eating and chores.

Hope you're having a good day, or appreciating it for whatever it is!

Friday, September 6, 2024

September 5 (hiccup) and September 6

Sorry about that, folks, just too tired.

I am grateful yesterday went well at work. So many special things scheduled: landscapers, dental, testing, field trips, produce, family food market. Whew! But smooth and humming along.

I am grateful for inexpensive cash and carry pizza. I swear the cashier gave me attitude when I didn’t tip. I am picking it up from a counter, for goodness sake!

I am grateful for allergy management and breathing medicines. I got so frustrated with an attack I took all 3 last night (albuterol, sudafed, antihistamine). Slept well, probably because I could breathe!

I am thankful for the ability to recalibrate when life lifes. Writing this blog in the morning and counting it toward today’s gratitude goal will give me a little more breathing room tonight.

Have a good day!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sept. 4: cottage cheese, notes

Today I am thankful for cottage cheese. High protein, low fat, hunger buster when feeling hungry annoys me.

Today I am thankful for notes. Little reminders of things to do, ideas to act upon, and so satisfying to cross off or throw away once dealt with.

It's been a while since I wrote this one, at least the first three things. I have no idea why I was grateful for tap water. I am grateful for running water in my home often; maybe that's what I meant. I do not care for the flavor of the tap water here, but I'm glad I can wash and water so easily with water on tap.

I appreciate weather forecasts so I can make plans: what to wear, things to do, staying safe.

The third one continues the teeter-totter: it's a fact my blood pressure goes down when my weight does. I was tickled to be making progress recently; the last few days, maybe not so much progress and-or a little sliding back. I am grateful for the life experience that can allow me to accept what is, and move forward.

To a good night's rest! Love, Ace

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

September 3: long relationships

Today I am grateful for one marriage in a lifetime. It's what I wished for, and sacrificed for. Probably more of that in the future. Be careful what you wish for!

Today I am thankful for priorities. To know to put people first, and things after that. Or if you ask Suze Orman, people first, then money, then things.
And I am grateful for Suze Orman, the only financial educator DH has ever attempted to learn from. Every. Bit. Helps.

Thirty-six years since our wedding day. We managed to eat lunch together yesterday and dinner today. Go, us! 🎉

Monday, September 2, 2024

Sept. 2: vitamins


Today I am grateful for vitamins, and whatever support they provide my body. I feel fortunate to not be on any required daily medication. I do need my inhaler and decongestant and antihistamine to manage symptoms that annoy me, but so far so good.

Today I am thankful for pleasant weather for yard work and dog walks and glimpses of neighbors.

Have a good night 😴 💤 ❤️

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sept. 1: Rabbit Rabbit 🐰🐇

 Today I am thankful for the charming custom of saying "rabbit, rabbit" at the start of a month for luck. Nice demarcation of time passing, for me.

Today I am grateful that I challenged myself to codify gratitudes every day in August and September. And I am looking forward to the release of myself from that formal commitment after September 30th!

I am grateful for things that last. This towel is over 36 years old. If I could buy another identical set, I would.

I am thankful my mealtimes today are not restricted by the workplace. It's nice to be able to eat when hungry, rather than by the clock.

I am thankful for TikTok as a source of information and entertainment. Don't worry, I have a healthy skepticism and do fact check as well. I couldn't believe my age mate who passed at her work desk; unfortunately, it was easy to confirm. 😢

Sorry to end on that sad, solemn note. Hope your weekend is going well.

September 22: Two restrooms

Today I am grateful we have more than one bathroom. For two people with very different sleep schedules, it’s amazing how frequently we need ...